Electronics Forum: checked (Page 1 of 636)

...and yes, I checked the archives

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 13:48:51 EST 2001 | cebukid

...but with this new version of SMTNet, none of the links on archived messages work!!! It keeps saying "parameter incorrect."

...and yes, I checked the archives

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 08:33:29 EST 2001 | cebukid

I'm using Netscape browser. When I click on the archive links, it opens another window which says "parameter incorrect."

...and yes, I checked the archives

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 14:10:14 EST 2001 | bdoyle

what was the error message you were receiving? I just did a search for BGA in the forum using the search on the gray bar at the top and it yielded 71 results. I didn't have any errors when I clicked on them. Email me if you have continued troubles

Topaz-Xii Error Code 30

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 28 01:09:03 EDT 2015 | leeg

Just check that the Vacuum check is on normal and not set to Special Check.

Re: 0603 Components

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 04:23:49 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Adam: I would say that you do have a reliability problem. - check parts for solderability - check your board finish - check your profiles - check your paste - check your processes with focus on cleanliness - do some mechanical tests, you should rath

Camera Problem on CP6-4000

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 07:29:41 EDT 2002 | winter

maybe you should check the mechanism .such as the drum with the twenty shaft.and A,B AXIS'S synchronization.and the clearance fo the helical gear.check the cutter and no strange sound, check the lens and no dirty or stable.check the twenty shaft.

Flux appearance

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 11:27:05 EST 2006 | stepheniii

By any chance is it eutectic paste and pallidium leads? Also how tight are you checking coplanarity? At least with the MPA-G3 you can check so tight that any IC will fail in the real world. Or you can check so loose that you might as well not check.

design rule checks

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 05:08:40 EST 2006 | aj

5mm. 3.Check that there are fiducials. The above checks are purely for Processing the board thru the machines. There are lots of other checks for stencil design etc. aj...


Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 12:31:14 EST 2012 | emeto

1. Check for pins or something else under the rails. 2. Check the motor for the axis and the sensor that defines up position(I doubt it there is an encoder for this motor) 3. check card 4. check interface cable

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 02:43:37 EDT 2014 | tjbooc

CHECK IO BOARDS STATUS, CHECK HEAD IO 24VDC SUPPLY, CHECK 24VDC SUPPLY TERMINAL, CHECK WIRING CONNECTED TO HEAD IO I think this is an I/O communication problem. Fail in connecting to I/O cards.

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