Electronics Forum: chip missing after wsm wave (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Adhesion loss on passives over wave

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 11:01:42 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Hi folks, | | I am looking for inputs on a long-standing problem encountered in our shop: Bottom-side parts (passives) falling off in the Wave...where the only remnants of the part is a flattened glue dot of proper diameter and volume, and somet

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 07:51:21 EST 2007 | shy

is there any gap between the pad and terminal if we place the glue? Btw, my practice to print solder pate then punch glue then PNP component and finally reflow. Also we find drop/missing chip after wave eventhough we glue the component.

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 08:13:04 EST 2007 | davef

C1: is there any gap between the pad and terminal if we place the glue? R1: Yes, there is a gap, but it is easily bridged by the amount of solder in the wave. C2: Btw, my practice to print solder pate then punch glue then PNP component and finally

Re: reflow/cure/wave for double side assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 07:47:34 EDT 1999 | park kyung sam

| | What are pro's and con's of reflowing top side first and curing bottom side chip components, and then wave soldering bottom side? | | | | How about curing bottom side first and reflowing top side later? | | | | What percentage of companies run

Profile for Glue "SOMAKOTE IR-130"?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 21 09:34:03 EDT 2002 | hany_khoga

Dear all: We need to glue some chip capacitors (0603 & 0805) before continuing the process of placing the topside SMT components. As a subcontractor we received the whole materials including the glue. After experimenting several temperature profiles

Re: Help Bottom Side Components

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 22:26:08 EDT 2000 | Alberto Hern�ndez

Hi Kevin!!! I have worked with both sides boards in 3 differents ways: a)Glue-Solder paste- Manual assembly- Wave soldering For the bottom side we placed glue dot in the board then we placed parts and finally the convection reflow at 150�C each zone

Foam fluxer maintenance, storage and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 09:44:22 EST 2015 | davef

Purpose. This describes setting-up a wave soldering system set-up for a new assembly design or checking a wave solder machine operation with a test board. Applicability. To be used for new design printed circuit assembles and during machine accept


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