Electronics Forum: chip to chip (Page 1 of 261)

chip shooter

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 20:08:15 EDT 1999 | Jeff Jones

I am begining to evaluate hi speed chip shooters. We are interested in the Panasonic MV2E. Does anyone have any experience with the turret style placement equipment, Panisonic in particular. Thanks, Jeff

chip mounters

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 02:07:16 EST 2011 | obrant

I'm looking for good/clean used chip mounters. juki ke760 yamaha yg100xg panasonic cm202 fuji kikai cp7, 8, 9

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 22:42:41 EDT 2001 | chip

In the past I have spoken to Multitronics sales reps and looked into the product line. I saw their equipment more suited for a smaller "mom and pop" type shop, I work for a mid size contract house and it wouldn't have come close to meeting my needs.

0201 chip placement

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 08:04:57 EST 2003 | bphillips

0201 chip placement has been very challenging, how can I validate my chip shooter's quality performance with this size chip?

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 07 23:37:34 EDT 2014 | demzvill

Hello all Good morning. I just want to ask with you guys about the problem that we always experienced in our production. We could not get our target ppm due. to inverted placement of chip resistor. We are using 2000 series juki mounter and cf03hp j

Flash memory chip fault

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 07:42:05 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev

Good evening, We noted one more very strange problem with flash memory chips. Device fails test due to flash chip malfunction. From the first sight open joint or cold joint can cause such problem. But all chip legs are soldered well. We just heat th

Skewing chip components

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 09:33:40 EDT 2000 | Sal

Guys Just completed a PI build. And for the first time found that some chip components are skewing. The board is approximately 8x8inches and is six layer double sided FR4. To minimise and eradicate solder balling all the chip components have been co

unmarked chip resistors

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 15:18:47 EDT 2017 | dleeper

I wish they would marking chip capacitors. I never understood why they didn't...

unmarked chip resistors

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 07:33:44 EDT 2017 | stephendo

You mean why did they stop marking chip caps.

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 10 23:06:28 EDT 2014 | demzvill

In our assumption also, nozzle is magnetized because the chip termination is made up of alloy so possibilty that when there is excessive contact between two metals there magnetic field produce, so during z up chip is magnetize on the nozzle causing i

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