Electronics Forum: circuit board assembler (Page 1 of 363)

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 05 01:31:08 EDT 2012 | dws123

printed circuit board assembly used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways.it is a electronic device made by copper.it is a cheaper and useful .so we used in electronic devices.

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 13:17:31 EDT 2012 | leemeyer

Contact Sipad Systems and see if your board is a match for their process. They use a flux that stays tacky for weeks. We have used them in the past for exactly this reason and everything worked out well.

printed circuit board assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 06:12:23 EDT 2012 | weyes

About my company Shenzhen flytop technology co.,ltd is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer in china. We have been manufacturing PCB and offer assembly services with component supplying for client around the world over 10 years. Now we have

flex circuit

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 13:35:28 EDT 2017 | jmathis

Hello All, I was given an assembled flex circuit PCB and asked how the board was depanelized as there are no view-able witness marks that I can see. Any ideas? Thanks in advance on any insight to depanelizing without leaving witness marks on the F

flex circuit

Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 07:16:06 EDT 2017 | stephendo

Don't rule out the possibility that the board shop depanelized it and it was assembled after depanelization. Been there, dealt with it, expletives deleted.

Cleaning assembled circuit boards?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 19:46:41 EDT 2010 | jry74

I am experiencing sporatic de-wettting issues, so I have been thinking about ways to clean fully assembled circuit boards that have open switches, contacts, etc. I also suspect that that plastic bodied components have residual silicone mold release

Conformal coating to avoid oil leak from circuit board

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 09:58:38 EST 2013 | kumuda

We have been using a circuit board in the assembly of HV Tank used in X-ray generator. This board acts as a sealant to the oil tank opening. The top side area of the board which comes in contact with oil is conformal coated to avoid oil leak. However

Cleaning assembled circuit boards?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 14:32:06 EDT 2010 | davef

First, what's wrong with some dewetting of conformal coating on component bodies? Second, there are chemistries that might be able to remove silicone mold release, but cleaning the chemistry is not easy without affecting the whole board, as you impl

Cleaning assembled circuit boards?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 08:51:29 EDT 2010 | jry74

A lot of our dewetting is happening on plastic body components, such as ICs. When they are manufactured, the molding process requires a mold release to make the part release after molding. Usually, the release agent is silicon based, but you can't

Cleaning assembled circuit boards?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 07:52:36 EDT 2010 | rgduval

In general, cleaning with deionized water is acceptable for most component. Open switches and contacts, in general, do not get damaged in this process. A good drying is required, of course, after washing. However, you've described dewetting issues

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circuit board assembler searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Midwest Circuit Technology
Midwest Circuit Technology

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