Electronics Forum: circuit pad repair adhesive (Page 1 of 7)

SMT adhesive printing

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 13:26:19 EST 2004 | Peter

I have a question regarding post cured property of SMT adhesive. If after component placement, the epoxy dot gets compressed and bridges between the 2 pads, what would the impact on the circuitry? Would it pose risk for flux entrapment? Could the cu

adhesive on pads

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 30 17:27:45 EST 2002 | davef

You should not have glue "all over the place." Tou should not have glue on solderable surfaces. It sounds like you are stringing glue from one dispense location to the next. Search the fine SMTnet Archives [there might be something there]. Read a

adhesive on pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 20:10:24 EST 2002 | davef

Oh. [Howabout if I smack you?] If ahma connectin� wif whut yer sayin�, you: * Don�t like the appearance of the glue slobberin� out from under the component even though there is no apparent glue on solderable surfaces. * Concerned about the hydrosco

Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 16:48:41 EDT 2000 | LarryK

Has anyone ever used the circuit repair kits? The type where you can replace a PTH or SMT pad that has been lifted or damaged? It appears that you just select a pad, trace or whatever needs replacing from a panel and heat or glue it onto the board.

Re: Circuit repair kits

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 17:05:36 EDT 2000 | JAX

These types of foil kits work just fine as long as they are used before expiration. Scraping off the epoxy coat gets a little tough on fine pitch pads and etches. I have always like to use a solder sample board to retrieve my bits & pieces from whene

Re: Solder Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 19:44:20 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: Well, your customer probably has a good reason for wanting you to send them boards without holes in the solder mask. What is their goal for the mask capabilities after you get do reworking the boards? * Cosmetic surface coat? * Performance t

PCB Pad lifted - repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 13 21:16:28 EST 2002 | Vinny

Hi All, I am producing a lot of high cost PCBA where the pCB material is the `ROGER' material. Due to some of the high components and handling we get pad lifted issues sometimes and as of now are unable to do repairs on these. Please help if anybo

How to repair broken pads

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 15:53:41 EDT 2016 | davef

IPC-7711B/7721B Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies [http://www.ipc.org/TOC/IPC-7711B-7721B.pdf ] start looking at page xiii. Alternately, try Circuit Repair Center [http://www.circuitrework.com/general/features.shtml ]

PCB Pad lifted - repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 08:53:44 EST 2002 | MA/NY DDave

Hi As DaveF suggested I would contact a shop that has done repair. You should have the PCB/PWB Print and laminate information with you when you make the call. Ask the repair shops if they have continual experience with the Rogers Material you are us

PCB Pad lifted - repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 13 22:30:05 EST 2002 | davef

Methods for performing repairs: * 7721 - Repair & Modification of Printed Boards & Electronic Assemblies. * On-line guides at Circuit Repair Technology [ http://www.circuittechctr.com ] site. Roughly from East to West, service companies that perfor

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circuit pad repair adhesive searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Midwest Circuit Technology
Midwest Circuit Technology

Midwest Circuit Technology provides Carbide Router Bits and End Milling Cuters for use in PCB Depaneling equipment. We have over 35 years of supplying tools and machining experience in drilling, Routing, Test Fixture manufacture.

Manufacturer / Distributor

114 Barrington Town Square
Aurora, OH USA

Phone: 13309956900