Electronics Forum: class 3 lead thru hole potrusion (Page 1 of 6)

thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 09:53:26 EST 2003 | davef

IPC-2222 - Sectional Design Standard For Printed Board For Organic Printed Boards, Table 9-3 � Plated Through Hole Diameter To Lead Diameter Relationships will give you the standard information you require. If we can�t get proper hole fill after try

Re: smt reliability vs thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 12:36:11 EST 2000 | Dave F

Dave: I haven't located something to support your contention, yet, and I'm not going to comment on the factors that drive reliability beyond component selection, because I know that you've got some sweaty-palmed sales type wringing his hands waiting

Re: Using solder paste/reflow for leaded thru hole parts .

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 03 09:29:19 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Hi all. | I am trying to put one 20 pin thru hole connector along with the smt components on the PCB. I would appreciate if somebody can guide me in getting thru this process. I also need to know how much bigger the holes on the screen or stencil

Re: Use of solder paste for leaded thru hole parts????

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 13:17:50 EDT 1998 | Upinder Singh

| | Hi all . | | Thanks to Ryan, Brian , Justin and Dave for the timely help earlier. | | I would appreciate if somebody could help me in the stated issue: | | I am trying to to place one thru hole 20 pin connector along with the SMT components by p

Re: flow thru

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 17:13:37 EST 1999 | Mark W.

Jason, What is the revision of IPC you are referring too?? IPC 610 rev. b requires 75% fill on classes 2 & 3. Class 2 does allow the exception of 50% fill if the PCB has a Metal Core or Thermal/Heatsink Plane provided that the solder extends 360 de

Re: flow thru

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 23:34:58 EST 1999 | chartrain

You appear to have two problems working against you at once. One is component lead corrosion that the no clean flux isn't aggressive enough to remove. Do a simple dip and look test. Flux the leads of a component and dip it into the molten solder for

through hole today

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 20:17:59 EDT 2013 | action_101

Good ole contact cs-400. I worked at two different companies that had these machines, all I believe were E's except 1 C. One place had one and the other place had 4 of them. Dont take this personally, but thank god my current employer doesn't have a

Re: paste in hole

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 11:47:54 EDT 1999 | Christopher Cross

| | | hello, | | | | | | has anyone tried dispensing solder paste in thru holes instead of waving or hand soldering. if so how did it work out for you. | | | thanks for the input | | | | | | wayne | | | | | | | | | | | We have tried this mainly

Through hole SMD in SMT process-Length question

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 18:05:31 EDT 2016 | davef

I'm not real clear on what you're looking to understand, but let me get things started ... IPC-A-610F - Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, 7.3.3 Supported Holes – Wire/Lead Protrusion Minimum length: You need to be able to discern the compone

How to Differentiate Class 3 and Class 2 products in terms of process

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 30 09:31:52 EST 2014 | rgduval

I've always approached it like this: Design your processes and perform your work to class three standards, and inspect to the standard that is acceptable. That is, all work should be performed to the highest degree of quality. When the work is ins

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