Electronics Forum: cleaning liquid (Page 1 of 17)

Stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 16 13:31:30 EDT 2006 | a_laser

You can stop cleaning after a job when there is no more paste in the apertures. Under wiping should be done with a quality cloth and should leave no paste on the underside of the stencil (assures good contact on the next print and reduces chances of

Exsessive assembly cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 09:52:03 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar

I agree with Mainteneer on this. Depending on the active components, I would check the datasheets of them. Particular groups of components to pay attention to: microphones, microprocessors, transformers, relays, switches. Washing may be in some cases

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 15:19:44 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar

MiniSwash PBT user here - happy customer with a closed loop washing system. CC8 and DC8 filters used to filter rinse water (not sure if these are included for you, otherwise you may need to look for these too). 3 filters (10, 5, 1 um) to filter the w

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 15:58:36 EDT 2002 | bschreiber

Hello Dave, I hope that electronic slap didn�t hurt too much. Robf, I am sorry that you did not agree with my initial response, but the answer is very detailed and most of the support material I have is only in paper format so I need to either snai

Re: PCB cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 13 05:46:21 EDT 1999 | Brian Ellis

Murray "No-clean" fluxes/pastes should not normally give "white residues". Before exploring cleaning, which is costly for small production levels, I suggest you may care to find out why you have these residues. To help you, can you please answer th

Recommendations for ultrasonic cleaning solution

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 07:41:21 EDT 2001 | tommiller

5 stencils/day. Not sure of the cost, it is high, but I only use a little each month so it is cheaper than the 50+ gallons I was dumping out each month of the old stuff. Mix it with water and use at room temp (don�t have any eaters).Don�t create any

BGA site cleaning for rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 14:35:18 EDT 2003 | russ

What flux are you using to put them back on? you should be able to adequately clean the site after removal with alcohol or water depending upon the type of flux. "White grungy" usually comes from a liquid flux such as Alpha 857 being squirted on th

Disposal of ultrasonic cleaning water

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 13:46:21 EDT 2008 | bschreiber

I know it is not what you want to hear, but first and foremost, you must consult your local regulating agencies and here is why: Solder paste contains heavy metals. We are all familiar with the problems associated with lead, but lead free solder pas

Vapor batch cleaning of flux residues

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 12:14:59 EDT 2009 | zanolli

We are looking for suppliers of liquid vapor degreaser batch equipment for flux residue cleaning of PCB’s. Any recommendations? Thanks

What method for cleaning a wiped board?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 13:20:55 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar

We do the same as dontfeedphils, with the difference being that it goes through a drying program too after stencil wash program (3 mins @ 90 degrees air spray) to dry out the via holes and any trapped liquid from under the components.

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