Electronics Forum: cm402 cm202 cm202 cm202 (Page 1 of 2)

Panasonic CM202DS/CM402L vs. Assemblion Topaz & ACM

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 13:59:34 EDT 2003 | Gabriele

Both CM202DS/CM402 (Create) and Topaz (Yamaka) are reliable Jap equipment. CM402L will have a great future. Regards, Gabriele

Panasonic CM202DS/CM402L vs. Assemblion Topaz & ACM

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 08:29:55 EDT 2003 | serial_killer

Thanks for the input!

Panasonic CM202DS/CM402L vs. Assemblion Topaz & ACM

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 15:02:05 EDT 2003 | serial_killer

I am currently looking at purchasing equipment and have narrowed it down to these two platforms. Does anyone have these machines or any input about them?

Panasonic CM202DS/CM402L vs. Assemblion Topaz & ACM

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 12:47:42 EDT 2003 | bill

We utilize 2 topaz x in-line Service and suport are the best Machines are rock solid

Panasonic CM202DS/CM402L vs. Assemblion Topaz & ACM

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 04 00:24:11 EDT 2003 | Dean

I have many Philips platforms. The Topaz is quite fast and is VERY reliable. ACM is very accurate. Not sure what your selection criteria is...but Philips is an excellent brand.

Does anyone use PT200, PanaCIM, auto changeover, CM402, CM602, CM212 machines here?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 07:09:02 EDT 2014 | headlad

Just curious. We use these machines and software > in our facility and I am looking for others that > ideas can be bounced off of when needed....and > trust me, we need it frequently. Hi, We use PT100 and 200 for our CM202, CM402 and CM101 line

Any Feedback on Panasonic CM202

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 18 08:53:37 EDT 2012 | bwjm

Hi recently i happen to acquire a Panasonic CM202DH. Anyone has operate it before? Any comments or advises for me if i would need it to run HMLV with about 1 changeover per day. Is it able to mount 0201 inch components? thanks in advance

Any Feedback on Panasonic CM202

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 12:44:06 EDT 2012 | mark25y2001

handling CM202 all type and capable to mount 0201 component with using nozzle type 205...

Any Feedback on Panasonic CM202

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 06:26:26 EDT 2012 | headlad

I've had a CM202DHU since new (10 years) and it is a very reliable piece of kit. I wouldn't be happy placing 0201's but if you use 110 nozzles it is capable. Just make sure that you always line up the feeders prior to running or all you'll here is mi

chip mounters

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 02:07:16 EST 2011 | obrant

I'm looking for good/clean used chip mounters. juki ke760 yamaha yg100xg panasonic cm202 fuji kikai cp7, 8, 9

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