Electronics Forum: component reverse (Page 1 of 7)

Humidity of SMT component storage environment.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 09:03:00 EST 2001 | fmonette

This guideline is actually in the IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-033, May 1999 (although it is not spelled out very clearly, thus the current confusion in the industry). The technical reason is that moisture diffusion is a very slow process. Once parts ha

BGA Engineer Rates

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 12:36:53 EDT 2005 | Brenda Robinson, SPHR

Hello. I am an HR Manager looking to benchmark pay rates for engineers in the Midwest with experience in reverse engineering and component level repair experience. The experience should be in BGA type repair with the core experience in setting the

Tombstone 0402 Caps......

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 17:25:29 EDT 2005 | peter ng

the pcb pad design problem?(the component able to fully located at the pad?).....or maybe the component(cap)problem?try to exchanged the part and reverse the pcb direction of the reflow entering.

BGA Engineer Pay Rates

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 12:38:38 EDT 2005 | Brenda Robinson, SPHR

Hello. I am an HR Manager looking to benchmark pay rates for engineers in the Midwest with experience in reverse engineering and component level repair experience. The experience should be in BGA type repair with the core experience in setting thermo

BGA Assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 14:42:53 EDT 2002 | jaltland

I have another question about bga's and stencils. We were told by a manufacturer to use .012 square apertures for .009 dia balls. The original pick & place and reflow goes pretty well (over 95% good), however when we have to select components on th

ROHS Line Conversion Process from leaded process

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 09 17:41:58 EDT 2005 | Wild Bill

Reflow and wave flow solders have to be changed more often because of contamination. Pb free PCB's don't solder as well so you will likely have to find a new process or supplier. The higher temperatures heat soak the components so they all need to be

What caused this reflow issue?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 15:16:37 EDT 2008 | lellis

Are there any heat sink issues? Re-version of boards with manufacture, miscommunication of boards bieng delivered? Component manufacture defect allowing additional contaminate?

Reverse Auction Sites - PCB Board manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 21 14:50:30 EST 2015 | rwa71122

Hello All, First, I am new to this forum, so please excuse any mistakes I make in this post. We have had much success in securing good suppliers for our CNC machined components using the reverse auction site MFG.com. Does anyone know of any simila


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 11:16:04 EST 1999 | Boca

Chris, Some ramblings- Your choice depends on factors like which defects you're looking for, bugdet, quality inspection philosophy, high or low mix environment, sample sizes or 100%, and so on. Are you going to test 100% of the product coming off t

Philips pick n place angle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 20:50:21 EST 2013 | sarason

The math is a function of how the component is orientated on the reel/tape. Verse how it is oriented on the board. Different SMT machines use CCW or CW orientation. Different CAD packages use CCW or CW. The next question is which Cad package are you

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