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Electronics Forum: convert clean process to non clean process (Page 1 of 3)

Converting to 'No-Clean' process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 13:30:20 EDT 2000 | Murad Kurwa

Hi All: Can you tell me specifically if you converted an exiting product made with Clean process using WS609 or compatible to 'No-Clean' process. We have to convert assemblies from current clean process at a CEM to No-Clean process in our own factor

Re: Converting to 'No-Clean' process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 18:42:32 EDT 2000 | Russ

Murad, I have just completed a switch over in our facility to no-clean. We used Alpha 609 and 857 paste and wave flux respectively. We currently use Alpha UP78 paste, NR330 wave flux, NR205 liquid flux for touchup and cleanline 7000 wire solder as

Re: Converting to 'No-Clean' process

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 16:59:07 EDT 2000 | D.A.Munro

We use both Nc and Ws at wave and reflow, Nc is less forgiving and the board topside must reach aprox.110c prior to wave to be fully activated. Your application of the flux is even more criticale,it's not very agresive for one thing and apply to much

Re: Converting to 'No-Clean' process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 19:46:39 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Murad: Your customer is smart to be concerned about the affect of changing production processes on product reliability. Your Company is smart to inform customers and keep them in the loop about these changes. In developing your demonstration of th

Possible to mix a No-Clean solder and a Clean solder process

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 03:19:04 EDT 2018 | myke03o

We are currently in a Clean solder process (SMT+Wave Solder+Washing). Now our management is planning to convert to a No-Clean process in SMT due to limitations of solder availability and reduction of washing process. Question1: Is it possible to was

Clean to No Clean Process

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 18:31:13 EDT 2010 | chrislay

Guys, I'm looking for some articles or presentation materials that can convince my customer to convert to a no-clean process. I'm new in this forum i hope anyone can point me to some leads. Thanks. Chris

Saponifier needed to stop

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 08:32:09 EDT 2001 | davef

Mr. Wizard is not currently available. You get the wizzer. Maybe your dream date will show later. Get your own lab tests done. Show your potential customer that your boards are clean. That�s the issue. The issue is not how you go about cleaning

Steps to Convert SAC305 Wave Solder Pot to SN100C

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 22:15:53 EST 2008 | fctassembly

Bob The actual process for converting from SAC305 to SN100C is pretty painless. Basic steps: 1) make sure your solder pot is at temp 2) de-dross 3) pull pumps/flow duct(s) and clean 4) purge pot of SAC material 5) remove any remaining dross/alloy i

Re: Soldering to Gold

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 18 14:37:00 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | | | | Dave, I'll respond by paragraph: | | | | | | | | | Brian: | | | | | | | | I like Ag2 also. I prefer it over both 63/37 and 60/40, if the price is not a factor. Yes, gold rips through eutectic and near-eutectic solders like

Re: Soldering to Gold

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 18 13:05:57 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | | | | Dave, I'll respond by paragraph: | | | | | | | Brian: | | | | | | I like Ag2 also. I prefer it over both 63/37 and 60/40, if the price is not a factor. Yes, gold rips through eutectic and near-eutectic solders like habanero slath

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