Electronics Forum: conveyor technologies shuttle (Page 1 of 6)

Universal conveyor help

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 19:23:18 EDT 2011 | eadthem

As far as the buttons go, White = pause for inspection when depressed, lit when active Green = pass after inspection when lit you need to press the button, when flashing its waiting for the upline machine, Yellow/orange = when flashing indicates

Inline SMT brand conveyor

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 08:01:28 EST 2010 | edmaya33

Conveyor Technologies may be the solution.We've been using this for 10 years and come up with the various sizes and configuration that suits your needs. Being a less maintenace is an added factor.

SMT/ PCT edge conveyor replacement belts

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 13:38:06 EST 2007 | ehess

Does anyone kbnow where I can find replacement belts for the old PCT (Process control Technologies) conveyors?

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 06:42:08 EDT 2005 | lloyd

The only issues I have had in the past with the shuttle are 1. The transport conveyor into the machine was not aligned correctly causing pickup issue from the belt. 2. Operators not correctly loading parts in trays or updating the qty's, this meant

Seica Firefly - Issues?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 21 15:51:23 EDT 2008 | g2garyg2

Thought I would reply and try to assist. PROMATION, my company, also manufactures Diode Laser soldering systems but with this stated we also manufacturer iron tip systems, soft beam systems and hot air solutions. The reasons are simple. Diode Laser

Standard kit in LVHM environment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 11:09:47 EDT 2003 | k_h

Each machine has two feeder tables, one is fixed, the other interchangable. Parts on both sides of the machines does not create a kitting problem but can be inconvenient for feeder replenishment. I have found "U" shaped lines to be much more operator

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 08:12:16 EDT 2006 | davef

Leading conveyor manufacturers are ATI, Conveyor Technology, Crown Simplimatic, Dynapace, Flextek, Fuji, Jot, Kanetic, Panasonic, and Process Control.

Re: Modification of Fuji machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 28 02:03:18 EST 1998 | Erhard Hofmann

| | | We currently using the Panasert SMT machine where PCB flow | | | direction were from right to left, & we are planning to move | | | in the FUJI -CP3 & CP4-2 in line where standard PCB | | | flow direction were left to right. | | | Any comment o

i want to know what i need to made a manufacturing line for smt

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 06:50:57 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi Narksh, Well, for a quick over view, I'd suggest conveyors between all your equipment too. Also board handling equipment like bare board loader, buffers, shuttles... It really depends on how focused you want to get. When choosing any part of


Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 12:05:12 EDT 2004 | Rob

I got one sitting in my room that is not being used. It meets SMEMA standards and is from Conveyor Technologies Model# REF-CC-1M-1-BR. If you are interested, I can put you in contact with someone who can talk with you...

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