Electronics Forum: count machine (Page 1 of 24)

Large component count board

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 14:08:56 EDT 2012 | dyoungquist

We run a MY12 and our largest layout has 9700 components of which about 8500 (88%) are placed by the Hydra head. Average run time for our layout is 75 minutes. Based on that and depending on what percentage of your components are Hydra mountable, y

Advice regarding PnP machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 07:00:36 EDT 2019 | uzbek

Thank you for the detailed response. This FLX is laser-based alignment but we can buy a camera module (FLX-VIS) from the same distributor. The exact PN of the machine is FLX2011 LC. The complexity of boards is components with cases: QFN, QFP, BGA,

SMT machine Utilization

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 05:37:04 EDT 2001 | bayanbaru

Hello, Does anyone calculate the Chip Shooter utilization? Our utilization is calculate as follow: A = no. of actual parts place in a week B = no. of part count multiply by tact time multiply by 168 hours. Utilization = A/B What is the benchmar

Advice regarding PnP machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 11:50:37 EDT 2019 | uzbek

Hi Shawn, we don't count on doing 0201 with that PnP. As for BGA and 0402 why would you hesitate with them? For 0402 I suppose that it could be a large number of rejects, am I right? But what is the reason for BGA? Also like I said we don't plan to

Placement machine component management

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 11:24:24 EST 1998 | niall hayes

Hello, We are currently trying to design and ultimately implement a system that will be able to count and manage component placement for three Sanyo chipshooters on three SMT lines. As the number of components decreases in the reels we want to be ab

Advice regarding PnP machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 06:29:03 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

Essemtec machines are quite good for small batch production. However you do need to bear in mind the FLX is quite small and depending how you use it and the options fitted might be limited on feeder count. You don't mention if this FLX is laser or

SMT machine shift to China

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 08:55:33 EST 2007 | Ryan

Thanks Fastek. I've been to China but didn't have time to count all the machines. Gotta run now. My $5.00 cell phone is ringing.

Re: Placement machine component management

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 11:41:26 EST 1998 | Scott Cook

| Hello, | We are currently trying to design and ultimately implement a system that will be able to count and manage component placement for three Sanyo chipshooters on three SMT lines. | As the number of components decreases in the reels we want to

Pressure check for SMT machine placement.

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 04:56:54 EDT 2004 | qualitel

Hi Eric, Every mounter have a standard count and "release" off the component. The sample and cost saving way is to use the paper (e.g: 4mil,5mil...thick) to measure. Just place on the PCB with supoort base below and release the nozzle step by

Help finding a high capacity pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 09:04:46 EDT 2024 | carl_p

Sounds like your talking very low volume & component counts really... I would look at Panasonic AM100 for example - low cost, high flexibility but you would need multiple so you could pair it with another... Ideally we would need to understand your

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count machine searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

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