Electronics Forum: cp6 propers (Page 1 of 4)


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 17:16:46 EDT 2009 | andoe

had tried all of that / went into proper data and changed the origin to the corner instead of the pin, it started working. thanks for the responce - ron

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 03:57:55 EDT 2005 | woodglass

Hi, In the CP6 propers, there are values: PCB Check Position X, & PCB Check Position Y. These are the servo counts that the X/Y table moves to when checking if a PCB exists on the table. Your sensor does not detect a PCB, probably because when checki

cp6 missing small parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 02:59:18 EST 2006 | jgarver1

You also should check to make sure you have blow off at the placing station set properly. I have seen machines with the flow control valve shut completely off not release parts properly. The parts end up in the scrap bin and the machine thinks they

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 09:53:59 EDT 2009 | fujiphil

after sending all the datas.... proper, program and status... Re-boot the machine...

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 01:29:07 EDT 2005 | matjen

We are using Fuji-Flexa software and we are not sure where to go in the software to check the proper data. If anyone has Fuji-Flexa software and could direct us in the right direction please let me know. Thanks.

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 05:22:11 EDT 2005 | dougs

it's been a while since i've worked on a CP6 but there is a sensor around the X-Y table ( near the back, it's not attached to the table, it sits just below the turret area )that tells the machine if there is a board there, i think you need to set thi

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 03:47:12 EDT 2005 | fastek

I'm confused. Aren't Fuji nozzles like $20 each? Why bother? I would hope you understand that a nozzle not properly repaired could cause $50 worth of rework in about a minute after you installed it. Stepping over dimes to pick up pennies comes to min

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 11:02:15 EDT 2019 | dman97

You never answered my question on the proper data. Do you have a hard copy of the proper data? Is the diskette (if you have it) in Fuji Flexa format? In order for flexa to communicate with the CP6, you must have the correct proper data.

Fuji CP 642 Communication Cables with Flexa

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 10:37:36 EDT 2019 | dman97

I also forgot to add that if the proper data was not generated by flexa for the CP6, then flexa will not communicate with the machine. You need to flush the proper and resend using flexa for the communications to work correcty. Good luck!

SMT component mis-aligned

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 16:06:10 EST 2005 | MR

I agree w/ JB; the package height definition is crucial. I have had problems w/ this in the past, and found that a resistor height was being used as a universal passive height for the capacitor in question. Properly defining the height fixed the pro

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