Electronics Forum: cp643 servo alarm (Page 1 of 6)

Fuji cp6 servo amp alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 03:02:07 EDT 2015 | linux

Hello everyone. Need urgent help with our cp6, when front door is open servo amp alarm comes up, this error will clear using the reset button. Has anyone any idea how I would go about fixing this issue.

Fuji IP-2 MTU servo alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 10:45:55 EDT 2013 | kdc45

Have a Fuji IP-2 and the MTU has a servo alarm. There are three servo amp cards and the middle card is showing a 1 on the LED display. Does anyone know what this indicates? Also, can you tell me which axis this card is for? We do not have an advanced

Fuji IP-2 MTU servo alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 12:58:46 EDT 2013 | markhoch

The wonders of Google... Hope this helps. http://www.winsmt.com/down/001.pdf

Fuji IP-2 MTU servo alarm

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 13:50:29 EDT 2013 | kdc45

Thanks for the link, however, I have this manual already and it only shows how to replace motors, belts and prox switches and to adjust for zero set. Appreciate your time and efforts. I did find that it is an OC alarm. Thanks again. Regards, kdc45

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 19:17:29 EDT 2005 | Dave

Hi Stephen! The nozzle change happens at a much slower speed to what it runs at during pick and place. They are a great machine...when everything works on them ;-) I tried sending through the proper data again and rebooted the machine. A interest

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 15:24:15 EDT 2005 | zl3vlf

Hello to all! Our Fuji FIP-3 placement machine has come up with a servo alarm (X2-axis) whenever we try to run the machine. The manuals don't go into a lot of detail as to the cause of this problem, but there is plenty of information on what the X2

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 08:54:18 EDT 2005 | jdengler

-Are you running a program that worked before or is it a new program? -Is there any reason to suspect that the proper has been edited between working and error condition? Jerry

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 15:30:28 EDT 2005 | Dave

Hi Jerry, I thought the same so tried running other programs that are known to work on the IP-3 but still no joy. I shall try Alan's suggestion with cleaning the linear scale and see what happens. Thanks!

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 22:22:31 EDT 2005 | zl3vlf

Hi all! Well installing the servo card has fixed the status LED issue....however there is a new problem :( When a production program is executed at the IP3 (pressing AUTO or START) the machine says 'communicating with the VP' (which is normal). Wh

Servo alarm X2-axis (FIP-3)

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 22:56:13 EDT 2005 | Alan.

Dave, it could be that you have some dirt or grease on the linear scale for the X-axis. Try getting into the rubber shield with a soft brush or perhaps a spray. Threebond Super Cleaner 6602 is very good for this purpose as it cleans and dries w

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