Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 11:47:03 EST 2008 | babe7362000
We have a Contact CS400D 1991 series and when I press Control H, it gives me a host error. I can not get it to communicate with the RS232
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 20:46:13 EST 2020 | williamaxler
Trying to get a CS400D working. We are programming a 10up board and are trying to set permanent offsets in the program and we cannot get them to read in. Any help?
Electronics Forum | Sun May 03 17:58:22 EDT 2009 | cusackmusic
I just bought a used Contact Systems CS-400D, and it does not have manuals. Does anybody have an extra set? Also, I haven't seen the machine yet, but I am wondering about getting PC software to do the programming and off-line programming. Who is a
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 13:56:09 EDT 1998 | Laura
Lewis & Clark currently has 2 CS-400C and 2 CS-400D machines available for sale. These machines have been totally refurbished and are in excellent condition. If interested, please call 603-594-4229.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 02 08:24:29 EDT 2003 | ADAM
We are currently looking at a CS-400D component locator with automatic cut & clinch from contax ltd .Anyone who has had good or bad experiences with this type of equipment and are prepared to share,it would be much appreciated. Adam
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 10:18:39 EST 2003 | haviland
Paul--Good morning. We deal in used and refurbed equipment, and have access to a couple of CS 400 D & E models. Call me at (262) 249-0808, or email me. Thanks, Nick Haviland, Electronic Assembly Machinery Exchange.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 07:25:16 EST 2008 | jdumont
Contact Bob Tomaselli at Magellan Services if you continue to have issues. (203) 232-4308 He is THE man for Contact Systems equipment. Tell em Josh sent ya. He is actually going to be here tomorrow AM for a service call. Take it easy
Electronics Forum | Sun May 03 18:01:58 EDT 2009 | tach
Get in touch with Bob see below he is the best in the bussiness. Robert L Tomaselli Magellan Service Corporation 1 Jacks Hill Road Unit 1F Oxford, CT 06478 (203)888 4919 FX (203)888 4916
Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 12:55:15 EDT 2009 | jdumont
Ive been working with Bob for many years. He is a great guy and will do anything to help you. We also bought a 400D from him and have had no issues with it. Make sure you have him come in and do the PM.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 17:46:09 EDT 2009 | cusackmusic
Does anybody have any recommended Clinch/Length values for: 1/4W Resistor 1N4007 Diodes 3W Resitors (A bit bigger than 1N4007 leads). Thanks, Jon