Electronics Forum: cyanoacrylates (Page 1 of 1)

Re: patchproblem lifted lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 13:20:07 EST 1999 | John Thorup

Hello Wolfgang Try looking in the process guides section of Circuit Technologies web site. Their recomendation is to bond the jumper wire to the board within 6mm of the lead with hot melt glue, cyanoacrylic glue or adhesive dots. John Thorup

BGA rework with unplugged vias PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 22:56:30 EST 2006 | davef

Dennis We know that cyanoacrylates are flammable and breathing hazard before curing, but are unaware that the cured adhesive had those properties also. Can you give us documentation of that fact?

Removing Loctite glue from board / bga

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 15:02:53 EDT 2006 | FredC

If you really have Loctite Super Glue it is a cyanoacrylate and can be removed with acetone. If you have a Loctite aneorbic glue that has not hardened yet, acetone will remove it. If an anerobic has hardened I know of nothing that will remove it. Als


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 11:22:15 EDT 2006 | slthomas

I think cyanoacrylate is the glue of choice for buna-n, but in a drive application with constant flexing I can't see how it would last. A longer (diagonal) joint is a lot stronger than a butt joint, but that would be even more prone to breaking if it

How to make transformer bobbins?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 08:19:55 EDT 2020 | jordanabshire

I often need to wind a coil for transformers, solenoids, or chokes, & I typically use craft plywood for the ends and a paper tube for the center, cemented with wood glue, or Cyanoacrylate . Then, I usually give it a coat of varnish or epoxy. I am cur

Re: conformal coating after rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 14:31:14 EST 1999 | Dave F

| I have boards coated with Humiseal 1B73. At a late point mfg. site we need to remove a series of 0603 resistors for optioning purposes. I have been trying to determine the fastest, easiest way to re-coat the pads after removal. Drying time of the c

Skewed transistors

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 18 13:47:19 EDT 2003 | davef

Brian What did we recommend? We just gave you a link so that you can see how to get your pictures on-line, so that we can see what�s going on. Anyhow, if we understand what you saying, [We're slow today. So, please be patient.] your situation is:


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