Electronics Forum: cyberoptics laser align (Page 3 of 16)

advice on used PnP

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 15:10:10 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

I would specifically look at the FLX2011 models with a V for vision (they otherwise come with Cyberoptics laser alignment as standard, although that would also work if you are not inspecting BGA balls). They come with software that I think is called

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 13:58:36 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello Bobpan, Thanks for the response. 1. Function 30 gives me a consistent 182-185, even after nozzle changes. I can vary this by changing mod code 15 and I have been advised to aim for 90-110, but it doesn't seem to make any difference so I've go

Quad IVc power up

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 14 15:01:00 EDT 2009 | mki

Thank you RLM, bobpan, Laser (CyberOptics) was dirty! Now is all OK. You are talking about Quad-Align. I have a lot of QUAD manuals and I still do not understand the diference among QuadAlign, CyberOptics LA and L3 LA! Please, if you can give me s

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 09:39:26 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

Sorry but I have never worked with a machine that has the Cyberoptics system. Have you tried talking to PPM (www.goppm.com), They have been very helpful to me.

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 07:03:16 EDT 2011 | jimlas53

Thanks for the suggestion, Bobpan. I'll start looking for a replacement coax cable. Would we be better off to look for a Quadalign system and replace the Cyberoptic unit? Doug

Ultra low cost pick & place?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 06:56:52 EDT 2008 | locostpp

Thanks Sarason, Laser alignment of components was actually our first attempt - it certainly offers speed and accuracy, but purchasing cyberoptics units would blow the budget & getting round their patent not really an option. I've seen the Essemtec

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 09:33:22 EDT 2011 | jimlas53

RLM, you have been very helpful! Let me try this on you: We have two IVC's, one with a conveyor and Quadalign, the other with a workholder platform and Cyber-optic. I just ran the first successful assembly on this second system, but the extents had

Quad IVc Laser Align Extents

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 10:18:43 EDT 2011 | bobpan

Hello Doug, There is no tuning up of the cyber-unit. From the symptoms you describe......sounds like the white cable that plugs into the cyber is intermittent. Maybe you can find one somewhere and try that. The cyber unit is a closed assy. and was ma

CyberOptics QUAD 4C

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 04:48:35 EDT 2017 | dentata911

Hello Is it possible to disable CyberOptics align system. Not for single pickUp. Disable and disassemble from machine. Thank you.

Quad IVc power up

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 08:01:08 EDT 2009 | leemeyer

In the early days Quad machines were fitted with an alignment system that was purchased from a company named Cyberoptics. Quad then developed their own alignment system and called it Quadalign.

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