Electronics Forum: data circuit systems

Flex circuit pallets

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 22 13:32:23 EDT 2003 | swagner

Does anyone have any data pertaining to contaminates baking out of a fiberglass resin pallets used for processing flex circuits? If so does this phenomena increase over time? Thanks,

Viewer for gerber data

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 22:39:39 EDT 2016 | peterlee20161026

Hello, I would like to ask you if you can > recommend me some viewer for gerber data which > suport gerber data and OBD++ and can convert data > from one type to the another. Thank you. Mar. you could use CAM350 and genesis2000 GoldenTech Circ

data tracking software

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 06 17:53:40 EST 2009 | daxman

I would recommend Aegis software. Valor is good too but last time I checked they were really expensive. Call up Aegis and have them explain CircuitCam and their QC, SPC, and dataminer modules. Aegis is modular, so you don't have to buy a big pack

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 09:17:40 EST 2006 | JW

Another software option for you maybe GC-Powerplace by GraphiCode. Before purchasing CircuitCam, we used an older version; GC-Place, with good results. Sorry, I don't know pricing. Our version is very flexible (creating Gerber, Gerber to DXF, output

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 14:55:56 EST 2006 | DannyJ

Caveat... I do not work for either company nor am I endorsed for this recommendation... We use CircuitCam for our needs. Works pretty well and allows you to keep several databases and is modular. Very pricey. The other software I have heard of is

Required PCB data for Saki Voyager.

Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 11:31:53 EDT 2022 | joost

We bought a second hand Saki Voyager AOI machine, all the systems seem to be working but I need to import data to start scanning for errors on pcbs. Now we have never worked with an AOI machine and are at a loss What I think I need is: solder past

Re: How long to burn in a circuit board

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 12:07:47 EST 2000 | Dave F

Leslie: Product screens and tests of prototypes and test vehicles should be tailored for the specific goal and product. I caution your use of equations and test condition information without specific use environments and design conditions. Lawyer:

Transfering placement data from Juki 570 to 760 machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 20:04:04 EST 2010 | Happy

If you are in the US/Canada contact your local Juki distributor and talk with them about this. In ancient history times, I had 570s and upgraded to their newer machines many years ago. At that time they had something that would convert the 570 plac

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 05:26:56 EDT 2011 | vinitverma

Hello, We offer a product called - PROCAM for this very application. PROCAM uses Gerber (274X) as input and extracts the centroid data for each component automatically. It exports the centroid to standard excel format (including board outline, circu

Re: Permanent Marking Ink for ID# on PCB while circuit board is being built on Flowline

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 11:06:44 EDT 2000 | John O'Brien

You ought to consider Data Matrix directly marked on the boards It can be done with laser, inkjet, or other permanent marking methods. Never falls off, can be read even if 30% is obliterated. For an example, check any AMD (K6, K7) or Intel Pentium c

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