Electronics Forum: data power error my12 (Page 1 of 4)

my12 motor amplifier channel a error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 11:32:52 EST 2014 | rgduval

Hi, Hans, I would have suggested swapping the MOT card out to see if that fixes the issue (or, changing the MOT card with another one to isolate the card), but, it sounds like you've already done that. I'm surprised that MyData would point you towa

my12 motor amplifier channel a error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 03:33:42 EST 2014 | hans88

hello people, we have a my12 wich has a problem it gives the following error during hardware initialization: F-MOT-MSETDYN Y/1236 :Motor amplifier channel a error. after this error it says hardware initialization failed. this prevents us of using

MyData error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 12:57:45 EDT 2014 | rgeary

Does anyone know what the following error indicates on a MyData My12 running 2.9.2. "F-MOT-MSETDYN C/156"?

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 10:00:11 EDT 2015 | brockparry

if you are facing a problem to send the data to your machine then you must check the driver part of your machine if you are sending it through any software. Also check the power status of the machine. You can also go for one simple method by doing Re

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 12:16:52 EDT 2008 | bickt

you cannot swap 0-3 only 0-1 or 2-3 they are not the same euro cards. they function very diffrently. if you look you will see there are more chips and circuitry on one set. there are 2 w/red leds and 2 with green leds. at least thats how they soo

Yamaha CSM84VZ error code 79

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 11:18:47 EDT 2011 | tpappano

That message is what you get if for example, if you press "stop" while a board is being placed. While "interrupted" you can for example, press "exit", go make adjustments to mount data or whatever, return to "running", then the board program, then p


Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 15:39:10 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

The error is: MOT-Command/205: Motor speed out of control Motor speed deviates from expected speed. – Problem with power supply, motor current too low. – Mechanical problem, friction too high or tool stuck in Z. I'd be looking at excessive friction

Yamaha CSM84VZ error code 79

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 17:34:07 EDT 2011 | jrsmachine

Hello Tom. Thks for your response. I tryed all your suggestions. No luck. This is how it happened: Several weeks ago I allowed an inexperienced unsupervised operator to work on some program changes. When I checked back afew hours later I noticed

Force sensor error on MyData My12

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 17:04:28 EST 2023 | cyber_wolf

Disable the hydra head.

Force sensor error on MyData My12

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 17 13:52:59 EST 2023 | tomdegas

How can I bypass the " Hydra force sensor can't calibrate" during the "Hardware Initialization" test. This is stopping me from starting the machine.

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