Electronics Forum: datapaq too hot (Page 1 of 34)

Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 18:03:34 EST 1999 | Joe

Greetings, Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of gas or vapour which can be harmfu

debridging hot air knife.

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 14 10:34:42 EDT 2001 | davef

This portion of SMTnet is intended for people whining about the operation of the forums and what-not. A lot of the people asking questions like your use the production forum. We don't have an air knife on our wave, but I recall some threads on SMTn

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 07:55:52 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| | | | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving of

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 01 15:23:26 EST 1999 | Nik

| | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of g

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 20:53:03 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| Greetings, | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of gas or vapour which can b

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 19:30:36 EST 1999 | Nik

| | Greetings, | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of gas or vapour whi

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 23:05:30 EST 1999 | Thomas Clift

| | | Greetings, | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of gas or va

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 06:29:55 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Greetings, | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of gas or va

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 10:09:51 EST 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some kind of g

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 17:37:00 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some k

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