Electronics Forum: dek 248 pc only (Page 1 of 1)

dek 248 carriage travel error

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 14:58:23 EDT 2018 | edjeske

Thank you for your response. I appreciate all anyone can provide to help with this. I have no manuals to use. I inherited this task when the usual operator dropped dead the other day. He was the only one who ever ran this machine. I was able to print

Semi-Auto Stencil Printer Vision Systems; Homebrew

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 20 12:42:57 EST 2015 | dilogic

We have DEK248 and Ultraprint100 printers. Ultraprint100 has custom video hardware while DEK has PC-based vision,which I prefer. Both perform roughly the same, and each has some design advantages over the other. We do routinely print 0.5mm pitch TQF

Screen Printing

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 21 15:54:03 EST 2003 | pjc

I heard that Minami has pulled out of the Americas. I could be wrong though. Don't know about Europa. Yes, Minami is very Japanese. Didn't see the MK-210 model, only the 280. The MPM semi-automatic models are SPM and UP100. The DEK is model 248.

DEK 265 motor com error, axis 1,2,3 fatal error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 09:20:25 EDT 2016 | dekhead

Suspect comms link error from Y3 to Y1 crate. COM 2 off of CPU, depending on board. If CPU board has RS485 port it is direct to back panel of PC; if older board it only has RS232 and thus requires 232/485 converter board (internal to PC). then direct

DEK 265LT problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 17:08:58 EDT 2018 | erici

Thanks for your reply. I did as per your suggestion, but the problem still persists. Here is the exact error i get whenever i re-start the pc "This programme can only runa 265GS printer. This machine has been indentified as a standard 265 printer.

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 28 19:50:55 EDT 2002 | fastek

Wrong Sai. Quite a difference between assembling a board or a PC and building/assembling a screen printer. These systems being built in China will be for the China or Asian market only. MPM and DEK spent decades trying to establish themselves as the

01005 Qualifications - Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 24 09:52:08 EST 2014 | davem

Hi Guys, So I work for a small contract manufacturer which caters mainly to the defense sector. As such, our customers haven't (yet) had a great need to incorporate 01005's into their designs. Looking forward, we decided to "take the plunge" and dia


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