Electronics Forum: dek 265 lt(gsx)pcib40 card (Page 1 of 8)

dek vision card

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:18:23 EDT 2003 | leonb

i need a dek 265lt vision card is there anyone who can help

cognex card VPM-5238D

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 11:46:40 EST 2015 | aj

Hi all, Long shot but worth a try, I am trying to identify ref: L1 Inductor which is on the back of the above mentioned cognex card ( green camera Dek GSX265 machine). Card functions fine but doesn't output any video - L1 is blown on the back whic

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 08:43:51 EDT 2006 | Mark Fick

I have a DEK 265 with error code: motor comms failure.card 0, Axis123 fatal error-reinitialize machine during machine boost up I replaced new card 0 and still get the same error.I have tried to load the mint program but I cannot get program to abort

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 14:20:29 EST 2005 | Robert

I had a DEK 265LT with error code: motor comms failure.card 1, Axis123 fatal error-reinitialize machine during machine boost up I replaced new card 1 and still get the same error. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance, Rober

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 02:26:31 EST 2005 | Alan.

Robert, power on the machine and go straight into DOS. You can do this by pressing and holding the Shift key as the machine is booting up. Run MINT. Try re-seating the cards too before you do this. Have you checked the voltages on the card batteries.

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 13:46:33 EST 2004 | kauer

I'm back. By chance do You have another DEK You can swap cards with to help isolate the problem?

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 15:09:09 EST 2004 | jsk

I don't have another dek to swap cards with and i'll keep you informed on the problem. It's running fine now but I don't think it will make it through the day. Thanks for the help.

Dek 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 11:51:54 EST 2004 | jsk

error code: motor comms failure.card3, Axis123 fatal error-reinitialize machine I swapped x3 and x4, and still get the same error. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance, jsk

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 14:44:53 EDT 2004 | JSK

Low voltage readings on (PSU 2). should be: = is: +12V = 4.3V -12V = 8.6V +24V = 7.6V Anysuggestions? (Other than buying a new card.) Thanks, jsk

DEK 265

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 11:36:32 EST 2010 | mmjm_1099

I just has this issue and replaced the MIU card. I ordered it from IBE SMT. Make sure to troubleshoot before purchasing anything of course.

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