Electronics Forum: dek air pressure switch[0] (Page 1 of 2)

DEK 265 GSX air conditioner refrigerant pressure

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 02:17:37 EDT 2018 | bukas

hello everyone, I have issue with one of my DEK air conditioners, it starts to freeze soon after we turn it on. most probable cause is low air flow or low refrigerant pressure. does anyone know what is operating refrigerant pressure range for DEK ai

DEK 265 GSX air conditioner refrigerant pressure

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 09:41:44 EDT 2018 | cyber_wolf

Typically freezing and air conditioners equals a low charge.

DEK 265 GSX air conditioner refrigerant pressure

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 30 13:33:50 EDT 2019 | stephendo

This is not an HVAC unit. This is a small unit attached to a production machine to keep the solder paste from drying out prematurely or slumping. The volume of air being cooled and desicated would be less than 3 or 4 cubic meters.

DEK 265 GSX air conditioner refrigerant pressure

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 30 03:34:44 EDT 2019 | jacoblemaster

Are you still facing this issue? Well, I am so late to get to know this. I think you first check your evaporator coil if your air conditioner is still freezing up. It has been seen that a dirty airflow coil stops the proper flow of air through it. It

Standard for Stencil printers edges pressure

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 20:33:14 EDT 2006 | davef

I just flew in from (insert city) and boy are my arms tired. pr: Likely, you're correct. The "pound-inch" units should have been the give-away, for us. Good catch. If this is the case, the frame fabricator would be the best source for tensioning

Dek 248 Table out error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 10:51:59 EDT 2019 | key

Good news we fixed the unit. The air pressure for the RS was not off. made a small adjustment for the in and the out. unit working fine.

Screen Printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 07:57:27 EST 2002 | pjc

Price of DEK 248 and MPM UP100 are about the same, $22-36K range. MPM UP100 has programmable squeegee pressure. Precise, repeatable results with less operator involvement. Pressure parameters saved in board program file. DEK 248 has manual microm

DEK Vectorguard develops leak for 3rd time

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 19:01:13 EST 2012 | carvincorp

I was wondering if anyone else out there using the Vectorguard system by DEK has had problems with leaking air bladders. We started using a 29 x 29 frame about a year ago, and already, we've needed to send the frame back 3 times for repair due to int

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:02:30 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

| Dear sirs, | | If you have experienced Proflow of DEK screen printer, please let me know the details of it. | | Best regards, | | Jame Bond | | I have had Proflow for about 8 weeks now. I have had my fair share of problems with it. It does

DEK fine pitch autoflex pin breakage

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 19:05:27 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

Folks, I think we are getting closer to being very happy with DEK stencil printers of the 265 GSX variety. However, problems continue arising concering fine pitch autoflex tooling pin breakage. We are told by the British engineering establishment,

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