Electronics Forum: dek infinity problems (Page 1 of 42)

dek infinity

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 02:45:06 EST 2013 | sara_npi

Hi What is "fatal error"? Every time when operator raise head to add cleaning paper or add solvent machine just hang like that. need to reboot machine. Pls advise Thanks.

dek infinity

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:51:28 EST 2013 | dekhead

Best guess, not knowing specifics of error, would be a vision system error... connection issue wrt camera. Does system respond properly (prompts to raise / lower head) upon reboot? Specific error information would help in troubleshooting. DEKHEAD

dek infinity 265 manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:42:14 EDT 2013 | nucleus

Hi, we just bought a used dek infinity 265. Unfortunately we cannot find a programming manual. We have two big technical references and a operator manual. Is there someone who has a pdf-version of the programming manual? Thanks! Best regards mts

dek infinity 265 manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 17:46:48 EDT 2013 | dman97

numeric values are input by pressing the / key.

dek infinity 265 manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 13:44:37 EDT 2013 | nucleus

by the way: How can I input numeric values by keyboard instead of pressing value +/- all the time? thanks!

The formflex is bad in dek infinity m/c

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 08:22:52 EDT 2001 | pr

Last I heard DEK was coming out with a new Revision of Form Flex to address some of the problems seen on the old revs. You should contact Dek and see if they will replace your old ones with the new rev. When ot works it's a great tool.

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 18:42:03 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi There, Thanks for your reply. Yes, this is the sensor which is creating the problem currently. The sensor is faulty. Is there any way to bypass the sensor to get the machine running? Thanks

Indium NC-SMQ92J paste problems

Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 02:06:57 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

Look here: _a class=roll > href="http://www.aimsolder.com/techarticles/tech%2 > 0sheet%20BGA%20voiding-%20reducing%20through%20pro > cess%20optimization.pdf" > target="_blank"_http://www.aimsolder.com/techartic > les/tech%20sheet%20BGA%20voidin

DEK Infinity CUI Error

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 11 19:29:04 EST 2019 | reckless

I am getting a CUI error on a DEK Infinity printer. The problem just started randomly after machine was all setup. We don't have any backup restore points so we are unable to re-install the software. Machine is running Windows NT. Can somebody

Solder shorts with DEK printers...

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 07:34:02 EDT 2001 | Shvetang Dewashrayee

We have problems of solder shorts while using DEK Infinity printers. Some of the manufacturing lines are configured ina way that the side (bottomside) of PCBs mostly with passive parts is screened first and then the otherside (topside) of the PCBs w

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