Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 11 02:50:07 EST 2023 | dekhead
Please contact me directly; DEKHEAD@ATT.NET
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 05:01:29 EST 2023 | leeg
Sounds like the brake may have gone?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 09:37:13 EDT 2019 | key
We have a Dek 248 that when the table goes in it will not come out. We tested up/down sensors they are fine. The in and out sensors work in diagnostic. when we try to abort the unit the table should come out but doesn't. Any help would be great and a
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 10 12:21:20 EST 2023 | youngbuck
Also, tried swapping the Servo card. X7 which is the Rising table servo motor card, swapped with X8,9,10 which are all the same and same result.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 20:03:05 EDT 2019 | dekhead
Does it cycle in/out in diagnostics? Have you checked pneumatics to to the RS cylinder?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 18:44:56 EDT 2019 | dekhead
Is the signal making it to the SOL? Is it toggling when signal is present? RS Cylinder is to the rear of the RS rails.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 10:23:47 EDT 2019 | key
Would you happen to have a picture of the RS Cylinder and Rs rail. When we send the table in sol 4 is on. When we try to send the table out sol 4 and 5 are on. We are having a hard time finding the RS Cylinder and RS rail
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 11:26:06 EDT 2019 | key
We have been looking at the Sol for the in and out and the up and down for the blades. We moved the sol around with no change. where is the RS cylinder located in the DEK 248.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 10:51:59 EDT 2019 | key
Good news we fixed the unit. The air pressure for the RS was not off. made a small adjustment for the in and the out. unit working fine.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 13:15:25 EDT 2019 | dekhead
I guess you were able to locate the RS cylinder. Assuming adjustments to RS flow controls was your resolution.