Electronics Forum: dek sensor (Page 1 of 7)

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 18:42:03 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi There, Thanks for your reply. Yes, this is the sensor which is creating the problem currently. The sensor is faulty. Is there any way to bypass the sensor to get the machine running? Thanks

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 00:15:41 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi Everybody, We have a dek 265 LT screen printer which unable to detect the plate. I think that it might be the light barrier sensor with the part number of 13pl14. I cannot find a new sensor so I thought I can use a jumper to connect the black wir

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 09:10:57 EST 2018 | dekhead

What sensor are we talking about? Detecting entering / exiting machine? Detecting at load position? That is not part number but presumably connector number, but not locating in dwqs.

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 09:43:31 EST 2018 | dekhead

Sorry, you said LT... correct dwg. On LT (assuming not very early software version), you can discount that sensor by selecting "Center Justified" for screen image...

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 19:09:04 EST 2018 | dekhead

Island SMT showing in stock. http://islandsmt.com/product/front-and-back-stencil-sensor

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 21:13:32 EST 2018 | sabeti

Hi there, I have found another sensor and replaced it but the display still shows as "Insert Screen and Retry". Do you know what the issue would be? Thanks

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 09:10:11 EST 2018 | dekhead

Are you seeing the stencil operational (changing state) in diagnostics? If sensor works then, look at image justification in product file...

DEK265gsx inconsistency in management f

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 19:37:48 EST 2007 | vshan

Hi All im facing an issue with my DEK. Once the middle sensor detects the board, the stopper does not able to stop the board on time. i have checked all the basic parameters. Can anyone help me rgd vshan

DEK SMEMA to UIC Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 12:18:21 EDT 2009 | wrongway

Hello Maybe its the sensor on the dek machine not seeing that it has a board so it just keeps asking for one.

Dek 248.cerd

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 13:35:30 EDT 2016 | mnorthey

When I had this problem on the DEK 248, the problem was the table up/down sensors on the motor. You can see if there is a problem in the maintenance mode in the inputs screen. They can be adjusted by loosening off the screws and moving the sensor un

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