Electronics Forum: dek265gs (Page 1 of 5)


Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 17:17:49 EST 2005 | Randy Gray

Does any one know the fine pitch print capability on a DEK 265GS?? Thank you

DEK265GS - Startup problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 07:46:50 EDT 2012 | omur

We have the following problem with our DEK265GS during start-up: Loading Program... Loading Language... Stack Overflow! Any help / pointers would be much appreciated. Omur...

DEK265GS - Startup problem

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 26 15:09:18 EDT 2012 | aelektronik

Did you try running an AV scan on your files.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 15:18:13 EDT 2013 | ipdisplays

Sent you an email regarding the printer.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 10:44:26 EDT 2013 | JB

The machine is in the UK.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 15:59:42 EDT 2013 | pdl

Hi how much would you want for the printer cheers Pete

DEK 265GS - Vision hardware error

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 03:10:30 EDT 2019 | bukas

in my case it was contact with underboard.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:30:21 EDT 2013 | JB

We are breaking a 1995 Dek 265GS screen printer for spares, it has the blue under screen cleaner, green 2D inspection camera. Was in full working order before getting a new Dek printer installed. The reason for replacing it was the air line pipes had


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 09:59:25 EST 2005 | aj

Randy, We have a Dek 265GSX and 265 MK1. We print 20thou pitch components, 0.5mm. Just make sure you have good board support and USC. aj


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 10:15:39 EST 2005 | pjc

With a properly designed and maintaned stencil, good solderpaste and board supports on the printer you can even go down to 0.4mm (16mil) with good results.

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