Electronics Forum: depanering stress (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Depanelization for PCMCIA

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 16:15:26 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| Could anyone recommend a good depanization tool for a PCMCIA | panel which has breakaways. For several reasons, we decided to | go with this approach rather than scoring and I'm less than | pleased with the punch presses we currently use. Any h

Resonator Cracking

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 16 08:47:04 EST 2007 | rgduval

Fractured parts that we've seen at reflow in the past are related to trapped moisture in the part, out-gassing at temp, and fracturing the part. I have seen this on ceramic resonators in the past; don't know why this type of part seems prone to this


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