Electronics Forum: design engineers (Page 1 of 52)

0402 aperture design lf

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 10:01:43 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi aj, Pete is right, there are several variables that can affect your quality when it comes to stencil design. A good idea is to have a stencil made with various designs incorporated into it. A lot of engineers like the reverse homeplate design.

high-frequency PCB circuit design

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 04:19:31 EDT 2017 | pcbcart

Hey Westen, we have an article about misunderstandings and strategies on High-Speed PCB design, you might find some valuable info. Article address: http://www.pcbcart.com/article/content/high-speed-PCB-design-strategies.html If you have further co

Nordic aQFN73 stencil design

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 12:52:00 EDT 2018 | slthomas

We are about to do a second iteration of something we struggled mightily with last time and I'm hoping to at least make a step in the right direction. There are 12 of these parts on the board and virtually all of them required removal and replacemen

stencil design software

Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 12:16:14 EDT 2002 | wister

Yes,stencil supplier can give me some suggestion.but all need to be verified again and again.if there is such software can tell us everything about the stencil design? verify if before it be made.I do think it will save time to launch NPI and save ti

Help with PCB design

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 15:46:32 EST 2013 | davef

First, look here [http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/snva500/snva500.pdf ] This is the actual pdf from TI, not some cheap-ass reproduction, like the link you gave us. Orange polygons [and other shapes] - copper covered with ENIG * On the edge of the board, bo

two-sided design guidelines

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 14:15:56 EDT 2002 | slthomas

Pardon the cross-post from the design board....I thought maybe I should query both populations. Is anyone out there aware of any standard or even a section of a standard that specifically addresses design guidelines for two-sided assemblies, particu

two-sided design guidelines

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 11:59:56 EDT 2002 | slthomas

Is anyone out there aware of any standard or even a section of a standard that specifically addresses design guidelines for two-sided assemblies, particularly one that focuses on different processes? I'm being asked to produce information from said

Heat sinks re:reflow pad design

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 02:20:07 EST 1999 | Marc

The padsfor large heat sinks are being designed on our boards with large copper ground planes surrounding them by our engineers. I am having great difficulty keeping the reflow temperature below 230 degrees in order for the temperature of the copper

how to learn PCB design

Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 05:46:34 EDT 2017 | claire_08

lerning pcb design, you need to know about pcb design software. It maybe take some long time if to be professionals. In fact, you also can contact the pcb manufacturer who have engineering service and provide technological solution. Such as http://ww

how to learn PCB design

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 06:58:41 EST 2019 | kiransahu

Without PCB layout, not much would get done. It is a ubiquitous need across industries; Industrial, consumer, military...Everywhere you look, there are chips soldered to PCBs to create a final product for the end customer. But where did we all learn

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