Electronics Forum: dewetting issue on gold immersion finish (Page 1 of 10)

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 18:36:03 EDT 2004 | davef

90 Knoop. Q2: Thickness is 4 to 10 u" for Au and 300 to 400 u" for nickel A2: This looks like a ENIG spec. Although, the Ni is quite heavy, 150 uin is sufficient for most applications. [IPC-4552 ENIG specification: * Gold thickness of 0.075 - 0.125

Re: White tin immersion finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 07:46:46 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| We have mixed to negative feelings about Omikron, but I beileve it is due to problems with the board fabricator rather than the process itself. When done properly, our Omikron boards have had very good solderability. However, we have had several

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 07:24:44 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hi folks , | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspection

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 07:54:49 EST 1998 | kallol chakraborty

| | Hi folks , | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspec

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 20:37:45 EST 1998 | kallol chakraborty

| | | | | Hi folks , | | | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 09:02:18 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | Hi folks , | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our in

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 20:26:34 EST 1998 | kallol Chakraborty

| | | | Hi folks , | | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Ou

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 23:45:20 EST 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

Hi folks , Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspection /te

Pros/Cons of Gold immersion boards(solderability)

Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 19:19:41 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Wayne, I haven't seen anything indicating that Gold Immersion is necessary for lead free... However, it is my companies preferred finish for lead free assemblies. We've taken this stance for the following reasons: 1. Better solder quality on th

Why gold plating on PCB?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 11:02:06 EST 2020 | slthomas

I'm not 100% sure which type of gold you're asking about, but if you're talking about hard gold plating, I think the most common use is to provide a durable surface for things like membrane switch contacts because it resists abrasion and other mechan

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