Electronics Forum: discoloration copper pad (Page 1 of 51)

PCB pad contamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 05:05:52 EDT 2007 | vangogh

Hi All, I would like to get some inputs regarding this.... I have bare PCB which were stored with kapton tape attached on the Au plated pads. These were stored for close to a year. Upon removal of kapton tape, we noticed discolorations on the edges o

Re: copper land delamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 21:35:50 EST 1999 | Dave F

Bob Bob: Fortunately, you found this before you built-up a lot of product. Some thoughs and other drivel: 1 Use IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.8 for copper peel with a Instron machine. Typical pad peel strength requirement for FR-4, 2 oz. copper is: 6 l

Re: copper land delamination

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 25 20:28:43 EST 1999 | cklau

hello, One way to prevent copper land delamination is to applied Anchoring spurs also referred to as "tie-down tabs" or "rabbit ears".These are a metal projection around a land.This features is fully captured by the cover lay (cover coat) that is n

Immersion Tin on copper pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 19:25:58 EDT 2007 | TB

Dear All, anyone has experienced with thin layer of immersion tin (about 5 microns) on copper pads in term of long term reliability for first or second reliability studies. Any input will be greatly appriciated.. Thanks.

Immersion Tin on copper pads

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 08 14:15:24 EDT 2007 | davef

Look here: * http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=496035 * http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewContentItem.do?contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkpdf&contentId=878290 * http://www.smta.org/knowledge/proceedings_abstract.cfm?PRO

fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 07:58:02 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU

hello guys ; we are using a fine pitch component(0.65mm) on a thick copper PCB (Cu = 90�m) ; in this case we notice that we are in the process'limits , because the different supplier of the PCB are not able to ensure a good stability of it's process

Fine pitch and thick copper

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 04:19:16 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU

I am working in electronic automotive industry and today we are facing to a very serious problem : if we want to use a PCBoard with a copper thickness of 90�m + fine pitch circuit (0.65mm, 0.5mm) the supplier(several) of the PCB has some trouble t

Re: fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 16:47:15 EST 1999 | GERARDIN

Hello Pascal As mentioned by Wolfgang the key issue is the printing process capability. For a thick copper level 90�m we noticed that the pad reduction can be greater than 20% depending on supplier sources. Typicaly for a cad Width = 0.4 we can

Thermal resistance of a given copper area

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 16:11:25 EDT 2003 | RF Lurker

I understand that there may not be a lot of material on this, as most threads I've seen discourage doing it. It goes against DFM to do it. But I wish to use a large copper area instead of heat sink and thermal epoxy to cool a regulator. But I can'

Re: fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 12:50:27 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Pascal, 0,65mm pitch normally isn�t much of a problem. With 90�m CU I don�t have any experience but would like to know what deviation from nominal value for the pads you get with different PCB-deliveries. In short, for the standard Cu=35�m we se

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