Electronics Forum: diy (Page 1 of 3)

SMT machine diy

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 03:01:47 EDT 2020 | wellmanrau

wellmanrau@yeah.net Email: wellman@htgdsmt.com">wellman@htgdsmt.com ; wellmanrau@yeah.net">wellmanrau@yeah.net Shenzhen HTGD Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Website: http://www.htgdsmt.com" target="_blank">http://www.htgdsmt.com

SMT machine diy

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 07:18:49 EDT 2020 | zgulkhan

I have built a smt pick and place machine a try for nozzle change you can see..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrGPu49nKsw . I need help to improve it with vision system, any suggestion and Idea may highly be appreciated thanks in advance...

ESD Safe Totes DIY

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 14:16:35 EDT 2009 | operator

I am looking for alternative, low cost materials to build ESD Safe Totes from. Standard totes really do not fit our products well. I would like to create custom, shielded totes with dissipative surfaces inside. Whether it is an ahesive film or paint

DIY UPS: Need some Help

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 17:03:51 EST 2005 | davef

While you're waiting for others to reply, try: UPS discussion Forum http://www.tek-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=525&page=2

ESD Safe Totes DIY

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 01:50:17 EDT 2009 | rohitfast

For what type of product you are looking tots? If you are looking ESD bags for packing hte reciever, then i would like ot tell ou that, there is no strong requiremnt after covering the PCB i.e. Reciever.

Assembleon Opal nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 12:57:46 EDT 2015 | chifutbol

I'm not sure if they can repaired. I'm sure you could do something yourself to do a DIY fix, but it would probably be easier to just buy new nozzles from assembleon. Not entirely sure, just my initial thought, would like to hear from others

Basic Soldering question, I don't know where to turn to.

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 05 13:02:50 EST 2019 | thunder

It's a plasma TV and yes a DIY . I do have the part on order, just in case I mess up. Do you see what I'm talking about in the pictures I posted ?

Lead free wave tools

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 13:50:39 EDT 2005 | pjc

Yeah, made from Durostone or Delmat would be perfect. Try buying some pieces and have them machined into tools or DIY. This is the same material that solder pallets are made from. http://www.boedeker.com/durost_p.htm http://www.polymerplastics.com/

Custom Super M.O.L.E. Thermal Protective Enclosure ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 12:41:41 EST 2009 | brycearkos

Has anyone attempted to, or successfully used a custom made (DIY) protective thermal enclosure for the Super M.O.L.E. gold profiler? We recently purchased a Bravo oven that came with everything for the ECD profiling system... except for the thermal

PCB Panel Share

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 25 19:08:44 EDT 2015 | jc_smith

Hi everyone! I'm needing a 4 layer board for a DIY project. A friend recommended me to try with PCB Unlimited, since they are giving to students a professional stainless steel stencil for free with buying one of their PCB panel share. Has anyone prov

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