Electronics Forum: dos prompt for juki (Page 1 of 1)

Need help for Philips CSM66

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 22:40:36 EST 2011 | sarason

I have written an SMT file generator available at http://users.tpg.com.au/sarason/index.html try the YM6021 generator output option, it is very similar to a CSM66 file. The YMxx series file is a little different in format. This should help your file

Quad Profile-S - Require "offset.exe" s/w for temp calibration.

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 03 21:36:33 EDT 2015 | cadco

Update 6 Oct 15: We have completely re-configured the oven PID boards such that everything is now visible on the oven by the s/w and all is now OK since the "Machine"card is now recognized. We have just one additional procedure to do and that is


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