Electronics Forum: dross sn100c (Page 1 of 3)

Running with sn100c in my solder pot!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 09:25:55 EDT 2006 | aj

How does SN100C perform using Selective Pallets? We switched over to SACX about 5 weeks ago and the results are brilliant. We are getting better results than before believe it or not. Also dross foramtion is a lot less. aj...

Running with sn100c in my solder pot!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 16:03:52 EDT 2006 | jbrower

On Saturday the 3rd, I offloaded nearly 1200 pounds of solder from my Electrovert, did the tin purge and loaded nearly 1200 pounds of sn100c back into my solder pot. It was a hell of a job, but we got it done in 8 hours. We've been running with this

SN100C + phosphorus

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 01:44:15 EST 2008 | taimju

Hi, I have heard that some have added small amounts phosphorus to SAC alloy in wave soldering and this way decreased drossing. Does anyone experienced this with SN100C? Regards, Juha

What to use SAC305 or SAC405??

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 00:27:48 EDT 2007 | pfifla1

take a look at sn100c, less dross & better wetting than sn/pb alloys.

Steps to Convert SAC305 Wave Solder Pot to SN100C

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 22:15:53 EST 2008 | fctassembly

Bob The actual process for converting from SAC305 to SN100C is pretty painless. Basic steps: 1) make sure your solder pot is at temp 2) de-dross 3) pull pumps/flow duct(s) and clean 4) purge pot of SAC material 5) remove any remaining dross/alloy i

LF Wave Solder - SN100C or ????

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 03:02:02 EDT 2012 | kcngoi

We use succesfully SN100C on ERSA330 for about > 2-3years. > > Pros: > > - price, - less dross > comparing to SAC305, - some ppl say better > mechanical durability comparing to SAC305 > (depends who pay for "independent" > studies) > > Cons:

Is anyone using K100 bar solder? Why or why not?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 13:56:37 EDT 2006 | timnop

Steve, Thank you very much for your reply. What I really need to know now is how you discovered these issues. Did you run this product in your wave solder machine, and for how long? Are you now using SN100c instead? Please mention the other issues if

LF Wave Solder - SN100C or ????

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 09:43:42 EST 2012 | andrzej

We use succesfully SN100C on ERSA330 for about 2-3years. Pros: - price, - less dross comparing to SAC305, - some ppl say better mechanical durability comparing to SAC305 (depends who pay for "independent" studies) Cons: - higher melting temp so r

SN100C + phosphorus

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 15:20:38 EST 2008 | davef

SN100C contains no phosphorus. It has a dross rate equal or lower than tin-lead solder, where as SAC drosses at 2 to 3 times the dross rate of tin-lead solder. Addition of solder dross inhibitors, such as phosphorus, can be effective inhibitors of

SN100C vs. SAC 305 wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 30 16:50:48 EST 2005 | fctassembly

250 tons/month) and, as it has been stated here, many customers have switched from SAC305 to SN100C but we are not aware of any customer who has switched from SN100C to SAC305. As the inventor of SN100C states, �once a customer touches the SN100C, he

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