Electronics Forum: eight tech (Page 1 of 1)

AOI: Comparisons

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 11:52:05 EDT 2004 | JohnR

Rob, I'm also in the evaluation stage. I've seen demos of the MVP ultra, Landrex Optima, VI-1000 (vi-technology), and the YesTech YTV-2050. I've also researched about eight others as well. Including Agilent, Orbotech, Omron, Cyberoptics, Viscom, GSI

Re: Help!

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 11:25:32 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook

| | | | | I'm trying to start a small SMT contract shop and I need | | | | | assistance in selecting equipment. Quad seems to be the | | | | | leader but if there is something else out there that can | | | | | better suit me please let me know. My s

Re: BGA repair/rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 08 23:43:54 EST 1999 | Dean

> Alignment issues are not so critical on most any system, but thermal >>(top and bottom heater settings) certainly are. Without a serious >>system, I just don't see how it can be done. | | | | Thanks again Earl for your valuable communications..


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