Electronics Forum: ekra screen printer no vacuum (Page 1 of 1)

Solvent for a stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 23 12:22:32 EST 2004 | esoderberg

I have an MPM SPM and two Ekra E4 screen printers. I have always run them dry with vacuum. I am also using no-clean paste and have not had a problem. The volume I run per day on the machines is 4 - 6,000 bds

Ekra X6 vs. MPM Momentum Screen Printer

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 10:51:35 EDT 2022 | oxygensmd

We are using EKRA E5 and X5. Both of them are rock-solid and easy-to-use machines. Software of these EKRAs are really user-friendly. If you make the yearly maintenance and preventive maintenance they will work for years. I know a factory where are ar

Screen Printer Selection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 05 23:24:56 EST 2020 | neosroger

I would like to request your expertise on which pasta printer to purchase: MPM Momentum + EKRA XPRT 3 Both of them are refurbished/ reaconditoned. The MPM includes several perpetual Software licenses but it is almost double the price of the EKRA


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