Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 04 08:12:57 EDT 2006 | o.k.
hello everybody ! I am looking for electrical motors for double & triple siemens feeders. I think siemens only sells them as a complete set for a lot of money. what can I do ? thanks in advance for any reply.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 04:45:47 EDT 2006 | twentech
Dear O.K. We have for sale: 1. one Siemens feeder 12/16 mm part no. 00141092-04. Can be used for electrical motor. Price: EUROS 150.00 ex warehouse in the Netherlands 2. ten Siemens feeders brand new in original boxes 2x8 mm partno. 00141096-04. Pr
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:22:58 EDT 2020 | emeto
As part of the evolution, electronic feeder has a lot of advantages - precision, programming and speed. If you build low volume easy boards you can probably stick with the mechanical feeders. For challenge and volume, I would suggest you move on to t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 07:46:26 EDT 2013 | ngineer
bobpan, It only happens with this program. CC ver 7.54, IVC V 3.05 If i leave CC out of it, and edit the sequence using the HHT, it sticks. but if i download from the assembler to CC, it's messed up. if i then fix it in CC, the minute i save
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 25 16:36:44 EST 2006 | Frank
Comtra doesn't usually sell directly to the end user. Try consulting your machine manufacturer. On the mechanical belt feeders there are no adjustment. On the electrical feeders there is a turn switch to select the feeding travel of the belt. T
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 22:36:17 EDT 2016 | yokywong
now days, I face a problem for JUKI electric feeder and machinery feeder. i do not know about any of electric feeder. until now, we all use machinery feeder for CF081ER 7' real holder and 15' real holder,CF03HPR ,FF12FS,FF16FS,AF24FS-OP. but this tim
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 12:36:03 EDT 2016 | jbuckley
My company uses both Juki electric and mechanical feeders. Yes, electric feeders are much more efficient than mechanical as far as pick speed and general feed speed. However, if a reel runs out, it usually takes our operators under a minute to change
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 07:29:02 EDT 2021 | dilogic
Status output is pin 2. On pneumatic feeders it only shows if the feeder is inserted, on electric feeders it doubles as feeder insertion and goes off if the tape is exhausted or feeder is jammed
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 07:45:37 EDT 2016 | jbuckley
My company uses primarily mechanical; electric are actually relatively new to us. I do agree that the reel holder is cheaply made, luckily we haven't had one break yet. Because of the longer load time for our operators, we do have feeders prepared fo
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 14:54:22 EDT 2013 | christian01976
Hello! I dont know where you are from but here in Germany Assembleon stopped selling Yamaha machines. Yamaha now sells their machines on their own. The things I know: Yamaha YS24 is equal to Assembloen MC24 Yamaha YS24x equal to MC24x YS12 is MC12