Electronics Forum: electronic circuits world convention (Page 1 of 13)

how to test the electronic parts that bought

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 18:33:49 EDT 2018 | sarason

I remember once working for a company that got caught during a supply shortage. Yes they were meant to get several hundred Opamps a day from there supplier. but the manufacturer fell short some 20,000 pieces. Anyway the supplier scoured the world and

Re: reject percentage of assembled circuits after initial test?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 21:46:49 EST 1999 | Dean

| | This is a question for those of you who actually assemble components onto a board. | | Any idea what the "industry standard" is for fall out on assembled PCB's? I realize that the controls put in place in your processes will effect your overall

Re: reject percentage of assembled circuits after initial test?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 18:07:55 EST 1999 | Lech Bartnik

| | | This is a question for those of you who actually assemble components onto a board. | | | Any idea what the "industry standard" is for fall out on assembled PCB's? I realize that the controls put in place in your processes will effect your ove

Is the demand for in-circuit testing still high for PCBA?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 03:35:26 EDT 2008 | dlocampo

But the problem with flying probe is the cycle time. I'm not sure if there is a flying probe out in the market today that can match the cycle time of the conventional bed-of-nails ICT.

Re: Polyimide stencils

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 17:39:26 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| To all who will be potentially my salvation, | | I am currently researching Polyimide stencils for possible use and manufacture. If I may be indulged - with due reference to all past enquiries and notes on the subject - can anyone offer an up to d

Routing feedrates for PCB�s

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 18 20:48:23 EST 2001 | Doug Leaser

I�m doing some research in the field of routing, or cutting, PCB�s using a non-conventional method as compared to conventional routing machines. I need some accurate feedrates for routing certain PCB materials, as listed below, to compare data. Unf

Recommended Paint Spray Gun for Conformal Coating?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 20:00:32 EDT 2009 | davef

We are not sure what you mean by "any type like plastic, aluminum, stainless steel etc?" Binks [(US Corporate Offices), ITW Industrial Finishing, 195 Internationale Blvd., Glendale Heights, IL 60139; 630-237-5000 888-992-4657 http://www.binks.com] m

Beyond Convention Routing?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 22:56:10 EDT 2006 | davef

Have you considered singulation? It uses a press and a peculiar die to seperate the useful cicuit from the panel. Suppliers include: * Wand 847-459-2400 F2421 * Circuit Technology 708-705-2140 f2141 John Bambule * Pioneer - Dietecs 781-682-7900 F03

Beyond Convention Routing?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 21:33:30 EDT 2006 | davef

For everything you wanted to know about waterjeting, look here: http://www.waterjets.org Goto page 9 of the 'picture pages' for some chopped-up circuit boards. There is at least 70 equipment suppliers out there. So, having someone that has cut th

Re: reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 09:41:46 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee

The optimal profile to choose is determined by the following factors, (1) thermal mass and distribution across the board, (2) reflow temperature range needed for a particular alloy, (3) the nature of flux. When the thermal mass is small, such as cell

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