Electronics Forum: electrovert aqua storm 200 (Page 1 of 1)

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 10:24:11 EST 2006 | pjc

The Speedline Technologies- Electrovert AquaStorm 200 is one machine that can do the trick. You'll need the Chemical Isolation option for the RMA flux and you'll need a cleaning chemistry like what Zestron and Kyzen have. Yes, hi-density boards with

cleaning NO clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 18:15:15 EDT 2002 | pjc

There are chemistries out there that will solublize some post-solder NC flux residues. I have had success with Zestron material Vigon A200 and Petroferm material Hydrex DX. Go to http://www.zestron.com and http://www.petroferm.com These are chemical

Inline Washers

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 10:32:45 EST 2003 | pjc

Cookson Electronics Equipment- Electrovert AquaStorm 200 highly recommended options: Checkmate Conveyor Hurricane Jets in Wash and Rinse 4 Additional Top Spray Bars in Wash *Closed Loop Filtration System for Wash *Positive Displacement Chemical Meter

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 21:26:44 EST 2006 | billwestiet

You already have some good answers. A chemical isolation zone for RMA is a good idea. If you are looking for new see the two references you have and Austin America. If you are looking for used, see us at http://www.ietechnology.net. We presently

Board washer

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 14:27:49 EST 2006 | pjc

Not really. A new Electrovert AquaStorm 100, in-line machine, is under $60K, for straight aqueous applications. The batch type from Aqueous Tech are like $35K I believe. $120K would be for a high performance in-line machine, such as the AquaStorm 200

Board washer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 09:25:36 EST 2006 | pjc

Can be done with AquaStorm 200, with some mods. I worked on a project a few years ago for a military company that needed to clean no-clean solderpaste residues from under LCC devices, we're talking like 2mil standoff. We ended up using a Zestron clea


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