Electronics Forum: electrovert draining (Page 1 of 1)

H-551 Aqueous Wash Electrovert question

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 09:29:12 EST 2003 | ehess

Bill, have you found the problem yet? We have been experiencing the same problem on our H-500C, and have found some clogging in the drain from build up caused by the de-foamer we use. Once cleared, the problem went away.

H-551 Aqueous Wash Electrovert question

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 03 16:58:05 EST 2003 | Bill

We are having a few problems with one of the tanks --possibly a drain clog issue. It is full enough to drip over. I'm waiting for a non-production opportunity to take it down and look under the catch screens. This is the lowest cascaded tank in

Re: Skiming Dross From Solder Pot

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 11:03:40 EST 1999 | Andy C.

Horace , We had a similar problem last year on an Ultra 2000 . We cured it by draining the pot , removing the wave forming ducts , pumps and nozzles and cleaning . Refill with fresh solder ( one third solder chips , two thirds solder bars - to get t

H-551 Aqueous Wash Electrovert question

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 24 11:24:34 EST 2003 | Bill

Sorry for the long delay in response.. As it turns out, the float switch on our transfer station was gummed up (probably by the defoamer residue) and allowed the transfer station to get behind (backing up the gravitational flow of the wash system).

Electrovert econopak boot disk

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 21:49:26 EDT 2018 | aemery

Maybe your CMOS battery is dead! On some of these old system once the battery is drained the CMOS settings are lost, this would include the correct setting for detecting the hard drive and I doubt there is an auto detect . Try turning on the machine

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:19:42 EDT 2001 | davef

Watt tiepoo? [Cereally, you can usually fix typos after you post by using the P yellow �edit� button that shows when you are looking at your posting.] We�re had people on SMTnet that were washing their boards with a brush attached to the end of a ga

Re: Info. on Stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 13:09:12 EST 1999 | Mike Konrad

There are three primary methods of stencil cleaning. � Hand Cleaning � Spray-In-Air Cleaning � Ultrasonic Cleaning Hand Cleaning: Hand cleaning involves the removal of solder paste or adhesives from stencils using a chemically saturated wipe and /


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