Electronics Forum: electrovert wave solder

Novastar EWS310

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 12:02:00 EST 2015 | barryg

Hello out there, We have a Novastar EWS-310 wave solder machine. We have been running it for about a year. Sometimes when running boards the spray fluxer will just stop. This does not happen all the time, sometimes not at all. We have to completely

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 07:54:27 EST 2006 | johnw

Hi Rob we had Electroverts and the cost to convert them was just crazy and the nozzles and specification would never have really be able to run leadfree as for life of the machine, I was able to see the machines running some for had been running 24/7

Re: Hollis Future One SMT PC controlled

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 18 12:14:10 EST 1998 | Brian Steelglove

| | Does anyone out there have one we are currently looking at one from a used equipment dealer and would like to know how they work? Good or bad for SMT? | | Good or bad for high volume Thrue Hole? | | | | Thanks Again, | | Brian Steelglove | | A

Re: Wave Solder Fluxing

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 10:15:54 EST 1998 | Chrys

| We have installed a Sonoflux atomized mist fluxing unit (Model 9500)on our Future 1 wave solder machine. We are concerned that the retrofitting of this unit may not have been appropriate for our equipment, as we are now experiencing many problems

Re: Dross Skimmin'

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 09:03:34 EST 1998 | Dave F

| | | | | | | All y'll: I could use your input on determining when to skim dross from a wave solder pot. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | On one hand, dross protects the surface of the solder from oxidation. On the other hand too much dross may affect

Selective moving pot vs fixed pot

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 13:34:43 EDT 2008 | rwyman

We have a Vitronics mySelective machine (model 6749, or "the Fat Bastard" as we affectionately call it). It's configurable with various combinations of "select wave" and "multi wave" pots. Ours has one of each. The "select wave" is for the most pa

Re: Hollis Future One SMT PC controlled

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 10:00:31 EST 1998 | Chrys

| | | Does anyone out there have one we are currently looking at one from a used equipment dealer and would like to know how they work? Good or bad for SMT? | | | Good or bad for high volume Thrue Hole? | | | | | | Thanks Again, | | | Brian Steelg

Lead Free ...

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 10:21:10 EDT 2004 | pioneertechnology

Hi All We have been manufacturing lead free in the UK for about two years now in a fashion. Let me expalin. Two years ago we began to change over our wave solder machines to lead free process. We read all the articles and attended the seminars on

Re: HASL - again?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 14:06:15 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | Now don't everyone jump on this at once, but it seems time for me to send out copies of my not even close to being dated copy of an article about HASL. Though it was published in 1992, in Printed Circuit Fabrication Magazine, and it got rave revi

Re: Hollis Future One SMT PC controlled

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 21 08:49:29 EST 1998 | Aric Parr

I used one on SMT at a previous employer. Make sure that you have 3 zones of preheat. Make sure that your operators are trained. The airknifes are extremely difficult to set up properly. Don't use them on high mix lines. We didn't need them once

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