Electronics Forum: email (Page 1 of 288)

email problems?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 16:35:41 EDT 2001 | b_dembowski

I was wondering if the email was down again, an associate sent me an email over the weekend and still have not received it.

email problems?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 07:54:10 EDT 2001 | bdoyle

We have been experiencing some problems with the email system but have been, and will continue to work on it. I would recommend that the associate resend the email for now. We appologize for any inconvenience this might cause. -Brian

email address change

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 11:04:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

To those interested, I have had to change back to my long distance ISP address because my local affiliate has problems. My new address is pod@ix.netcom.com (again) while in Michigan and my phone number remains 734-654-0981 Thanks, Earl Moon

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 14 08:37:10 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| | To those interested, | | Earl Moon What would life be without a bit of change. Just finished the week at Nepcon East (should be Nepcon New England) What we really need is a good Nepcon east show located so more people would attend the show fro

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 13 01:13:28 EDT 1998 | adam nevels

| | | To those interested, | | | Earl Moon | What would life be without a bit of change. | Just finished the week at Nepcon East (should be Nepcon New England) What we really need is a good Nepcon east show located so more people would attend the

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 15 17:29:54 EDT 1998 | Wayne

| I knew there was something or one missing around here. Welcome back. Anything, interesting, earth shaking, or revolutionary East of the "Big Muddy?" | I often forget I'm there too. | Earl Not much, just watching Create KME place 0201's sort-of fun

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 15:55:46 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| To those interested, | I have had to change back to my long distance ISP address because my local | affiliate has problems. | My new address is pod@ix.netcom.com (again) while in Michigan and my phone number remains 734-654-0981 | Thanks, | Earl Mo

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 14 11:27:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | To those interested, | | | Earl Moon | What would life be without a bit of change. | Just finished the week at Nepcon East (should be Nepcon New England) What we really need is a good Nepcon east show located so more people would attend the

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 15 17:49:51 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | I knew there was something or one missing around here. Welcome back. Anything, interesting, earth shaking, or revolutionary East of the "Big Muddy?" | | I often forget I'm there too. | | Earl | Not much, just watching Create KME place 0201's sort

Re: email address change

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 09:11:39 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

| Not much, just watching Create KME place 0201's sort-of fun to see. (Nepcon East). | Talk about placement problems.......so small hard to see. | Wayne Hi ya' Wayne! Man! 0201's!! I started hearing about 0201's at the beginning of last year, a

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