Electronics Forum: emc cyberclean 1000 (Page 1 of 1)

Chemistry for CyberClean

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 12:39:22 EDT 1999 | Kenny Vaughn

I have just purchased an EMC CyberClean Series 1000 stencil cleaner(jet spray non-rinsing system). I will be using it to clean misprints, stencils, and residues off of completed prototype assemblies. We are strictly a no-clean process and was looki

Re: Chemistry for CyberClean

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 14:00:23 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad

I would recommend Zestron's Vigon SC200. It does not require a rinse as long as you cleaner is equipped with a wash solution filter to filter out the solids. Zestron # is (888) 999-9116. The toll-free # is frequently busy� If so, try (703) 589-11

How do you clean OSP PCB's without washing it off?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 14:18:13 EDT 2006 | Kevin W. Parker

We have begun using a PCB with Organic Surface Protectant. We normally run boards with non orgainic protectant. We can wash these boards with our ultrasonic cleaner using Zestron SC202 and a separate Hot/cold rinse system with an air knife. This r

Stencil cleaners.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 13:13:29 EDT 2006 | Kevin W. Parker

I am a tool and process engineer responsible for the cleaning system at Siemens VDO in Huntsville, AL. I have been over this area for more than 8 years. We use EMC Cyberclean 3000RF spray in air cleaners with Zestron SC202 chemistry. At this facil

Stencil Cleaner Chemistries

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 15:52:55 EST 2004 | brent.robinson@donnellye.com

Hello all, Just curious as to what type of chemistries most people prefer to use and what produces the best results. We currently have an EMC Global Technologies Cyber Clean 1000 Model 32P system. We use Isopropyl Alcohol currently to clean st

via under a smd pad ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 15:02:46 EST 2007 | jlawson

From info I have been told from design standpoint, via in pads helps with managing EMC issues with working design, in particular for high speed digital/dense populated type PCB's. We had a manufacturing customer that had very low yield because of th


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