Electronics Forum: engineering projects (Page 1 of 9)

Engine control

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 12:30:58 EST 2005 | Kokofiko

Hello, 1. I have DC engine of car's wishers with I use in at my project. the Engine specification is 12V DC 1.5A. The input voltage is constat of 12V. The problem with adding resistor ( in order to pull down the current)in the circuit is that resist

New SMT line introduction

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 11:32:23 EDT 2017 | emeto

Tsvetan, This is similar to give an accounting project on a process engineer. Installation and training are usually covered in the deal. Now Anthony is dealing with post factum issues inherited from the person who already did the new line introducti

Feeder Communication

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 20:29:07 EST 2007 | b4tt1e

Thanks Jon, indeed it sounds simple from your reply. But unfortunately I'm not a mechanical engineering student :( beside, my final year project is something about motors control and sensors. My supervisor suggest me to take a look at the feeder comm

Flat flexible cable to PCB (RoHS assembly)

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 29 08:14:19 EST 2006 | joey_dragon

Thank you for the quick reply! Actually, the "type B" I referred to applies to a flex cable that can be found in this page: http://www.tennrich.com/trtw/cabling_3.php It is a reverse Engineering project and, from what I can see, there is, indeed,

OT: Wavesolder Process Engineer Needed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 11 10:32:10 EDT 2008 | JH pbf

Got to agree with CK and Patrick. A very brief career history: 1992 Engineering Apprenticeship 1994 Job as a Temp, placing components in a local electronics firm 1996 Made perminant Process Tech through experience gained 1998 A year selling solder a

Hardware Designing

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 03:52:56 EST 2019 | beulah5588

Hello, I'm a Mechatronics engineer.I'm working for in a electronics company. We got a new project based on hardware designing. We need the help of an electronics manufacturing company to complete this project. I have done a lot of research and found

Fixture Material

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 22:05:23 EST 2006 | Jerry Butters

Which fixture material is LEAST LIKELY to warp? Please advise. We used ta have a Wave Optimizer but the corpulent engineer before me broke it before he left the company. Anywho, my next project is to design a wave fixture pallet which will work

OT: Wavesolder Process Engineer Needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 13:21:18 EDT 2008 | amcross

Gray, For SOME employees, it is a promotion and a potential career paths. in MANY cases, people truly ARE born (or raised) leaders and while they are not briliant engineers, they are GREAT at helping brilliant engineers do their best work and work wi

Fine Pitch Stencil Design

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 08:06:07 EST 2005 | tk380514

Also we have just made a prototype for Wave soldered SMT components D-packs + 0603 + TSSOP�s on the bottom side with THT comp. on the top, the stencil manufacturer gave his personal library of glue stencil openings and adviced on stencil thickness wh

Feeder Communication

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 04:43:09 EST 2007 | b4tt1e

Hi, I'm a final year student of Electronics Engineering and I'm gonna start my final year project about Pick and place system. I've seen the Siemens Siplace pick and place machine and wondering how does the tape feeder know when to feed forward the

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