Electronics Forum: enig solder mask (Page 1 of 185)


Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 16:34:10 EST 2005 | davef

The main advantage if ENIG over HASL is that ENIG is flat and HASL generally is not. The main disadvanages to ENIG over HASL are: * Cost of ENIG is 1.5 - 2X higher than HASL * Selflife is less than HASL * You solder to nickel, rather than copper * E


Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 16:51:46 EDT 2005 | GS

It stands for Elettroless Nikel Immersion Gold, a kind of PCB finishing Entek (there are several kinds) is a brand name of an OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative)kind of PCB finishing. Regards............GS


Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 15 15:57:11 EDT 2005 | GS

Organic Solderability Preservative, is a definition that you can find, for istance, on IPC-2221A (geneiric standard on printed board design) Tabel 4-3 (Final Finisch, etc) Regards............GS


Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 12:37:41 EST 2005 | Cmiller

We have been using this finish almost exclusively for fine pitch boards for about 5 years. Make SURE you use a board house that does the gold plating in-house. There are some potential issues as DaveF stated. The only problem we have encountered is w

solder mask peel off

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:26:25 EST 2019 | SMTA-Norah

Yes, a polite complaint to our board shop later and the next batch didn't have that problem at least. I'm not convinced it's an ENIG issue as there was variability panel to panel in the first place.

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 16:52:16 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Hi, From a Manufactures choice - Green is the best due to it is the most commonly used mask color in the industry & cheapest. Kind a like Red paint for Barns. For US shops, most only have one LPI machine and to continually switch from Green to othe

solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 04:15:33 EDT 1999 | Jacqueline Coia

I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tide marks etc. Other soldermasks do no

Can we hide extra long pad with solder mask ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 09 16:58:30 EST 2001 | davef

Go for it!!! You were unspecific, but adding mask to a completed board could cause: * Increased paste thickness, if you have double thickness of solder mask. * Wrinkled and lifted solder mask under the component, if the solderability protection of

solder mask removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 14:45:14 EST 2000 | Hoyt Moore

Does anybody know how to remove solder mask from pads that were masked over.

Dispensable peelable solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 09:48:30 EDT 2010 | tomg_fla

Am looking for a dispensable water soluble solder mask or peelable solder mask that can be dispensed and be run through a reflow oven with no swelling or degradation. Any leads on any materials or manufacturers to contact?

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