Electronics Forum: epoxy mount (Page 1 of 8)

Re: reliability of epoxy

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 12:49:41 EDT 1998 | justin medernach

| I am looking for advice or information from anyone about the possible reliability problems associated with epoxy on solder pads of discrete devices. Will the epoxy expand and lift over time, Will there be adverse reaction between the solder and the

Re: reliability of epoxy

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 01:02:51 EDT 1998 | zeek - just wanna to get a word in here

| | I am looking for advice or information from anyone about the possible reliability problems associated with epoxy on solder pads of discrete devices. Will the epoxy expand and lift over time, Will there be adverse reaction between the solder and t

BGA epoxy removal

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 22 15:46:09 EST 2015 | slave2anubis

Hi, my name is Dacian, and i run a mobile phone repair shop in Timisoara, Romania. Lately we decided to do more advance motherboard repair jobs, and a big problem that we have is, cleaning the board after we remove the chips. We repair manly iPhone,

dual sided surface mount

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 16:30:21 EDT 2002 | stepheno

If you are going to wavesolder the board after SMT you will have to epoxy the parts on instead of paste/reflow. I used to work for a company that squeeged it on. You will have to research component layout guidelines if you do want to wavesolder. If

Bright surface mount led's?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 06 09:05:02 EDT 2005 | cmiller

How do apply it in your process? It would seem best to screen the electrically conductive epoxy then dispense the thermally conductive epoxy to bond the part to the heat sink pad. Any help or opinions would be appreciated. I dont think the System Uni

Bright surface mount led's?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 06 10:02:39 EDT 2005 | cmiller

How do apply it in your process? It would seem best to screen the electrically conductive epoxy then dispense the thermally conductive epoxy to bond the part to the heat sink pad. Any help or opinions would be appreciated. I dont think the System Uni

FLEXI-TERM Components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 19 19:41:09 EST 2021 | rgduval

Double check your p/n and your datasheet, and with your supplier. I had this happen one time, though it wasn't with flexi-term parts. Mine ended up being palladium plated end-caps (my buyer and receivers had all missed the applicable suffix issue o

Surface Mounting on Composite Epoxy Materials (CEM - 1)

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 11:29:59 EDT 1999 | John Sims

We are considering adding surface mount components to a board we currently produce. The board is made from CEM-1. Has anyone had any problems with surface mounting to this material? We use a glue/place/cure process. Thanks in advance, John Sims

electrically conductive adhesives

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 16:14:46 EST 2005 | davef

Rob: Why aren't the board houses over there going to lead-free HASL [not that HASL is the most wonderful thing on the planet]? What's the price delta on an unit basis for a x-HASL, now imm Ag board? Anyhow back to the point, so, you're proposing t

pick and place adhesive dots

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 12:58:35 EDT 2015 | pankyb1261

Is there anyone that makes a pick and place glue dot for surface mount chip components (B stage epoxy dot in a carrier tape)? Thanks, Rich

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