Electronics Forum: equipment distributor indonesia (Page 1 of 6)

Amistar SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 08:24:57 EDT 2001 | caldon

Davis- From my understanding Amistar does not sell SMT equipment any more. Tenryu(Amistars machine) is now IPulse. http://www.ipulse.co.jp/ENG/ This is right from Amistars web page "On April 1, 2000, Tenryu Technics was acquired by i�PULSE, a whol

Amistar SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 23:00:48 EDT 2001 | Darby

I am currently running 2x Tenryu ( Amistar ) Fv7100 machines. They are sensational. However the version of the software I'm running sucks. Yamaha has basically taken over Tenryu and formed, as they call it, an independant third entity called i-Pulse.

Looking for BGA rework equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:42:17 EDT 2006 | mgershenson

Hi Eric. Please check out the Genitec rework station, I think you'll find the prices very reasonable. http://www.genitec.com.tw/gam-850-e.htm We are the N. American distributors of this product.

Does anyone care if Americans supply equipment to our industry.

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 18:19:55 EST 2002 | davef

Is this revisionist history? Have you been breathing deeply, while eating corn doodles? Let me knock-down a couple of Zoloft. OK. Here�s the way I remember things � * UIC, Dynapert, and Amistar made the best PTH insertion equipment on the planet.

Electronic Components Distributors

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 07 04:00:12 EST 2017 | soldertraining

Electronic components distributor offering semiconductors, interconnects, electro-mechanical, power supplies, PCB Repair, BGA rework and measurement equipment. In order to select the electronic distributor we must remain updated with Technology news

Conveyor oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 14:56:11 EST 2013 | eniac

adoptsmt.com - it will be a closer to you. May be you have a market of used equipment in Russia, but it you need directly call to distributors of equipment and ask them. Unfortunately, in Russia and in Ukraine - we both do not have at least some mar

Surface mount Machines

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 20 13:55:28 EST 2005 | Mark

As far as I know, the only thing Manncorp does is put "Manncorp" stickers on the equipment and re-sells it. They are a re-seller/distributor of equipment.

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 28 06:15:59 EDT 2002 | GregH

I'll be honest with you FASTEK, I personally learned from our local DEK distributor that DEK ELA is currently being built / assembled in China. regards,

Asymtek vs. Camalot

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 12:37:25 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper

Don't switch to other vendors or suppliers. Stick with Cam/Alot. It's reliable and repeatable and besides you know the system well now. If you get a different brand you have to start again with the sickness of the equipment, learn it again and build

PM-570L glue head

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 13:50:42 EST 2006 | Frank

Contact your local Juki distributor. But as a reseller of used equipment they may not be too willing to help out. And why would you want to add the expense and hassle of adding a glue head on a machine?

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