Electronics Forum: error and code and 0804 (Page 1 of 2)

Panasert mvf2 pick and place error

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 19:19:59 EST 2022 | gabriel1blue

Hi guys. I have an old panasert pick and place machine that I'm trying to get working, but now we encounter an error after we power up the machine but when we try to complete origin process. Everything completes the process except for DST-PSOI and af

Fuji GSP III machine not turning on and showing SO error

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 07 18:38:32 EST 2020 | enzik

Hello to all, The Fuji GSP III screen printer was working well yesterday. This morning, the machine turned on and the display screen was showing nothing. I went to the back of the machine and reset one of the VM1152A. The display screen is now showi

IP1 and SSOP28

Electronics Forum | Sun May 23 21:33:42 EDT 2010 | ashley

"The part is picked up and head goes to it's xy location" Hello mickd, I believe VP had passed but machine is confused how to compensate & place. OS error normally associate with a faulty VME card. Please check the following :- VM1152 VM1730 VM193

First Off and P+P Data

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 17:58:07 EDT 2011 | rssimmons

The SimmScope is a first article inspection system that uses an overhead digital microsope on a motorized gantry to inspect the board - much like an AOI - except that it does not automatically make the pass/fail decisions. It is up to the operator to

Trouble loading a program on Amistar 5630 and 5720

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 08:27:19 EDT 2006 | wrongway

Hello Mark level 4 error need to header initialize its under program data as far as mdI01 error looks like a flag field error check the F field for the item codes or fiducial codes. MDI03 error fiducial mark is not aquired need to aquire the f

Trouble loading a program on Amistar 5630 and 5720

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:46:37 EDT 2006 | mhanc

I am trying to help a customer with a problem. His Process Tech is out and the operator is trying to load a program via floppy. When trying to load on the Amistar 5630 the following errors occur: Data Type Error (level.4) we continue to load and

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 09 16:10:15 EDT 2008 | davef

We don't know a Siemens S-27 Error Code from a shoe box, but our old friend Stefan Witte is wizard on Siemens machines. He has posted some troubleshooting guidance on his site. If that doesn't help; contact him, plead for mercy, and he probably will

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 17:00:28 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

Hi all, Our cp4 moves rather violently (jerks) all axis when the reset sw is pressed after power up. I've got all sorts of errors after boot up: Servo amp error: D,X,Y, etc Overtravel D,X,Y, etc D clutch error, power off machine We've checked all

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 07:42:52 EDT 2008 | lloyd

Can you provide a bit more info on your machine setup. I not full fimilar with the S-27 so a few points may not be relevant to your machine. Are you using Siplace Pro. Are you using the standard GF for the 0201 component. Do you have the component

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 15:35:55 EDT 2008 | modernprecison

I have a Siemens S-27 and I'm having occasional issues with 0201 components in particular. I'm using the 12 segment head and 902 nozzles with them. I'm making sure the magnet is clean of debris and the feeder is sitting flat. Most of the time they

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