Electronics Forum: ersa ir/pl 550 rework station (Page 1 of 1)

BGA rework station

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 16:06:48 EST 2013 | mlevesque

We are looking for a new BGA rework station. We got an ERSA IR550A and we are not very satisfied. I'm not sure that IR reflow is the better solution because the top-side heating is too large. I think is better with a convection "forced-air" heat.

What rework station you recommend?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 19 13:22:13 EDT 2019 | lapskrfc

Dear all, I'm considering to buy a nice rework station for our lab. We are not gonna do mass production and the smallest components that we will be soldering is in the order of 0201 smd components. Actually, I'm considering the following three machi

BGA rework equipment - suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 11:34:45 EDT 2014 | spoiltforchoice

Well our small UK based company is I guess in a similar situation, there isn't the volume or value to justify an expensive solution for fiddly rework tasks. But it would certainly be nice to have one and may become more important in future as people

Rework Station

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 12:21:13 EST 2003 | Yannick

Hello, We are in the process to buy a nw rework station I would lke to have your comment on the following rework. Ir550 form Ersa BGA-3591 form Metcal DSR22 ou 24 from Air-vac Thank You


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 14:02:26 EDT 2007 | JJ

RA, First, define "medium scale budget". Aside from that, I have used many systems, listed in my order of preference: 1. SRT1100 - superior board support - very reliable 2. ERSA IR550A - unique flexability due to infrared heaters 3. Metcal APR5000 -


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