Electronics Forum: examples (Page 1 of 137)

Examples of Six Sigma

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 12:10:12 EST 2003 | amacphie

Hi, I'm looking to develop some industry specific examples of the application of Six Sigma for my MBA dissertation. I used to work in semiconductors so I have plenty of examples to include from that are but would like to include examples from assemb

Re: Voids in the joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 12:52:08 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| what is your experience about the presence of the voids in the joints ? | Are they dangerous and when ? My specifications require rejection and study if voiding exceeds 2% of solder joint volume measured using x-ray and/or x-sectional analysis. My

Black Tar on ENIG

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 22:25:35 EDT 2014 | richardciccarone

Thanks for the input. I read that paper. I'm not convinced the Pb stabilizer and bath MTO's are a cause of the Black Tar defect. If that were the case, given the history of Pb stabilizers and ENIG, I would have thought that there would have been many

PCB Gold Pad Corrosion

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 13:05:31 EDT 2017 | edhare

Pin holes in the gold can allow for corrosion of the underlying nickel and copper to form copper and nickel oxides on the gold surface (example - http://www.semlab.com/blog/?p=564. The corrosion can work itself all the way through the EN layer (exam

Re: Strange S-20

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 08:17:44 EST 1999 | NickMata

Explain computer "overload". Specific examples would be helpful. Regards Nick

Big Board Production

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 20 10:53:15 EDT 2002 | cnoonan

What machines besides Fuji and Mydata are capable of running larger boards? Example 23� by 26�

An example of a good

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 13:08:04 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

the thing is though, by bumping the thread it may attract the attention of new people who didn't see the original.

ESD checklist

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 20:29:46 EST 2005 | khp_armin

What is an ESD Check list? Can you give me some examples?

Circuit Cam Capability

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 01:13:55 EST 2006 | ____

Not sure which geek you talked to, it shows an example in the Help file how to do it.

Feeders Maintenance

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 12:08:11 EDT 2009 | gregp

Oiling a feeder originally lubricated with lithium grease for example will make "glue". Best to check with the OEM for the proper lubrication.

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